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Edwin J. Hobbs

February 26, 1826 – April 23, 1905

Hampton Union, April 28, 1905

[The following article is courtesy of the Hampton Union.]

One of Hampton’s leading citizens Capt. Edwin J. Hobbs, is dead, aged 79 years. He was born in Hampton. In 1849, he was excited by the gold fever and sailed to California from Portsmouth in the bark Martha. Captain Hobbs did not stay in California long, but returned and followed the sea. He first shipped as carpenter on the ship Shirley for Australia, and he was next fourth mate on the Boston ship, Bonita. He made several voyages in the East India trade until the Civil war, when he became first mate. At the outbreak of the war, Capt. Hobbs enlisted in the Sixteenth New Hampshire regiment. He was in the Red River expedition with General Banks and he was also present at a number of prominent battles. After the close of the war Captain Hobbs was appointed assistant keeper of the Boone Island light, and he was later keeper of White Island light at the Shoals. He is survived by his widow, a son and a daughter.

[Read some of the letters Edwin wrote home from the Far East in 1856-57.

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