Hampton Academy & Winnacunnet High School Alumni Association
65th Anniversary, Historic Souvenir Booklet, 1972

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TIME OUT!: Coach John G. Peterson is shown exhorting his 1952-53 Varsity basketball players at a crucial point in the home game against Somersworth on January 23, 1953. The team went on to be Southeastern B League Champions. Left to right: C. Raymond Gilmore ’53; freshman Frederick C. Rice ’56, Manager; David W. Lloyd ’53 (No.7); W. Robert Philbrook ’53 (No. 9); Malcolm J. Graves ’54 (No. 30). Teamwork helped the Buccaneers go on to a 57 to 55 victory. The “update” on those pictured would have Coach Peterson retiring from teaching some 17 years later. Ray went on to earn a Ph. D. in the sciences. Fred graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point (his cadet’s uniform is in Tuck Museum), served in the Army for ten years — lastly as a major — and is now in business on the West Coast. Dave and Bob have followed somewhat similar careers: Both entered UNH in the fall of 1953 and earned their baccalaureate degree there after playing important parts on varsity teams — basketball and rifle, respectively. Both received reserve commissions via ROTC at UNH — Air Force for Dave, Army for Bob. Both have now attained the rank of major and are currently serving on “Uncle Sam’s Team” in Asia — South Vietnam for Dave, South Korea for Bob. Mal received his college degree from the N.H. Collage of Accounting and Commerce, and is Controller of Pine State By-Products, Inc., of South Portland, Maine.
An interesting sidelight of the 1952-53 Buccs was the large number of Hampton Beach residents on the team. In addition to Ray Gilmore and Dave Lloyd, Irving F. (“Nick”) Jones, Jr., and John B. Cann (both ’55) as well as Bernard L. Dunbrack ’53 played for the Varsity during the season. All of these players — nearly half the squad –were from the Beach which, at that time, had a very small year-round population. And two 1951-52 Varsity players who lived at the Beach did not play the 1952-53 season due to a football injury and a transfer from the Seacoast Area. There also was a very good representation of Hampton Beach Precinct residents on the 18-player girls’ basketball team.

1955-56 Volleyball: This Senior Boys’ Intramural Volleyball Team was fondly called “The Sturdy Siberian Six.” Left to right: Jurgen G. Matthia, Frederick C. Rice, Loren H. Hutchins III, Robert P. Hanscom, Thomas J. Burke and Loring K. Mills. All graduated in June 1956. The team is pictured in the high-school gym. In June 1969 the Hampton School Board voted to name this gym — by then the boys’ gym at Hampton Academy Junior High School — the “Clifford H. Eastman Gym” for the teacher and coach who was about to retire after forty years of service at Hampton Junior High and Hampton Academy Junior High. The Gym was so dedicated in March 1970 with the unveiling of a plaque (below).

High School Cheers

With a T-E-A-M,
And a T-E-A-M,
And a T-E-A-M
Team, Team, Team.
“Ash Can”
Ash can, Tin can,
Who can, We can,
H-A-M-P-T-O-N Rah-Rah
H-A-M-P-T-O-N Rah-Rah
H-A-M-P-T-O-N Rah-Rah
Hampton, Hampton, Yeah!