Hampton Academy & Winnacunnet High School Alumni Association
65th Anniversary, Historic Souvenir Booklet, 1972

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The Joseph O. Hobbs Memorial Trophy established by Paul W. Hobbs ’25 in memory of his father, a Trustee for 30 years. The trophy was awarded annually for 12 years (1941-52) to a Senior boy based on sportsmanship, athletic ability and scholastic ability. Recipients were: John M. LaTourette ’41, Earl H. Blatchford ’42, Richard W. Blake ’43, Russell A. Merrill ’44, Richard R. Grenier ’45, Wayne I. Elliot ’46, Frederick B. Russell ’47, William S. McIlveen ’48, Alan B. Weeks ’49, Bernard-Wm. Campbell .50, Carl S. Campbell ’51 and Murray L. Smith ’51 (tie), and P. Kendall Hobbs ’52.

An Alumni Association project between 1962 and 1964 was the refurbishing of Hampton Academy and High School trophies and plaques. Under the direction of Edward S. Seavey, Jr. ’32 and Wayne I. Elliot ’46, and with the cooperation of the School Board and Academy Jr. High Principal Walter M. Brown ’39, this trophy case, Class gift in 1941, was moved to a wall near the main front entrance of the school and filled with the reconditioned trophies. (The painted football at left is the 1944 game ball for the Buccs’ win over Exeter, 12-Zip.)

(Photos by Art Moody ’53)

This built-in trophy case was the gift of the Class of 1950 and the Trustees. It was constructed in 1952 near the Headmaster’s office and front entrance.

The 1952 trophy case today: The Junior High (“The Fun Place To Be”) uses the restyled case as an activity-display window. The trophy on the wall at far right is the Peterson Sportsmanship Trophy, annually awarded to a Junior High boy beginning in 1970 upon the retirement of John G. Peterson, Coach and Athletic Director at the High School and Junior High for 25 years.