Hampton Academy & Winnacunnet High School Alumni Association
65th Anniversary, Historic Souvenir Booklet, 1972

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The Eight Members of the Class of 1905 on Stage at the Hampton Town Hall: Left to right: Roland C. Emery, William B. Cannon, Annie F. Drysdale, Amy M. Fenwick, Flora A. Taylor, Ethel M. Nudd, Arthur B. Lamprey and Percy E. Jewell.
[Photo courtesy of Florence B. (Mrs. Arthur B.) Lamprey]

Class Trip to Washington, D. C.: Seven of the eleven members of the Class of 1908 can be seen aboard this chain-driven sightseeing bus. Rear seat, left to right: Sarah Content Ward, Charlotte Blanche Knowles, Ethel I. Johnson and (peeking through) Minnie E. Arnold. The first two on the nest-forward seat are Mamie R. Redman and Mabel D. Philbrook. On the near side of the fourth bench from the rear is Dorothy H. Smart and the gentleman in the dark derby at the far end of that same bench is Academy Principal and teacher Charles J. Ross, the chaperone. The remainder of the passengers are unidentified tourists. Minnie (Arnold) Palmer, who married Roscoe B. Palmer of the same class, relates that there must have been a second bus which carried the other four members of the Class to Mount Vernon that day. Also along with the Class of ’08 in March 1908 was C. Ruth Leavitt (later Palmer) who was to be one of the two graduates in the next class (’09). She would not have the opportunity to go to Washington on a class trip because of her Class’s size so she went with ’08, which was the first Class to go such a distance on a class trip. Mrs. Minnie Palmer also relates that her Class raised money for the trip by holding a drama and by not purchasing the customary white dresses worn by girls at graduation. Instead they bought suits which could be used both on the trip and after at graduation. [Courtesy of Mamie (Redman) Higgins ’08]