Hampton Academy & Winnacunnet High School Alumni Association
65th Anniversary, Historic Souvenir Booklet, 1972

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The Class of 1953 in Washington, D.C.: Over half of the members of the Class of ’53 pose on April 28, 1953, before the East Front of the Capitol for this class-trip photo. Front, left to right: Stanley W. Knowles, Barbara Ann Doyle, Betty E. Clough, Carole Ann Martin, Marjorie L. Rice, Sally Ann Wiggin, Edythe I. Hollis, Betty F. Batchelder, Arlene C. Abbott, Suzanne E. Riley and Paul C. Leavitt.Rear: Priscilla E. Leavitt, R. Norma Kaye, Lucy Ann O’Dea, Barbara Ann Chaddock, Karlene M. Young, Bette F. McLane, Anna M. Northway, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Clough (chaperones), Mr. and Mrs. Leon Morse (chaperones), Headmaster Bruce E. Russell, David W. Lloyd, C. Raymond Gilmore, Charles A. Lamprey, Bernard L. Dunbrack, Bruce Gordon Dow, Arthur J. Moody and Wallace Robert Philbrook.

Class of 1955 Senior Class Composite: Forty-four of the 48 members of the class are pictured. Missing are Carole J. LaRoche, Ronald J. Mulcahy, Elaine M. Rice and Beverly R. Robinson.
[Photo courtesy of Al Moody ’55]