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April 15, 1881

Exeter News-Letter, Wednesday, April 13, 1881, Hampton

Quite a fire occurred among the cottages at the Beach on Saturday. The house of J. M. Palmer, of this town, where the fire originated, was burned, together with his stable. From thence the flames ignited the cottage belonging to Mrs. Marshall, of Manchester, and continued to spread northward until it consumed the cottages of Morrill & Eastman, Mary W. Hastings, of Manchester, Morrell & Davis, of Haverhill, Mass., with several small stables in the rear, besides a large stable belonging to John Locke, Esq., of Seabrook. It was only by the most strenuous efforts of our firemen (Charles G. Perkins, chief) and our citizens in general, who promptly rallied to the call, that the force of the fiery elements were stayed. Had it not been for the timely suggestion of Mr. Thomas Nudd in tearing away a stable, all the cottages along the south Atlantic avenue would have been consumed. But we are comforted as citizens of old Hampton to know that the cottages were all insured.

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