History of the Hampton Fire Department

A tradition of service, courage and pride

Courtesy of Atlantic News & Advertiser

January 10, 1984

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– SECTION 12 –

Hampton Fire Department

1907 – 1983

Austin E. Abbott
Bruce Andrews
Percy Annis
Jeffrey J. Baillargeon
Richard A. Ballou
Steven H. Bancewicz
Charles J. Bancewicz
Robert Barker
Gary W. Bashline
Raymond Bastian
Earl C. Bayers
Ananias Bickford
Ernest J. Bishop
O. L. Blake
Forest A. Blake
William Blake
Earl Blatchford
John Bogaty, Jr.
John Bogaty, Sr.
Alan Bogrett
Victor Bogrett
Leo A. Bourbeau
Wilfred E. Boudreau
Alexander Bowley
Archie R. Bragg
Ronald W. Bridle
Russell D. Bridle
F. Bristol
Alexander H. Brown
Clearance T. Brown
Laurice Brown
Leavitt B. Brown
Percy Brown
William Brown
Richard Burbridge
Charles A. Burlington
John B. Cann, Sr.
Warren Cann
Harry Carlson
Anthony B. Chouinard
Daniel F. Chouinard
Matthew W. Clark
Jon Clay
Thomas Clay
J. Cleveland
Frederick Clews, Jr.
Frederick Clews, Sr.
John J. Clews
Hovey B. Clock
Arthur J. Colby
Arthur Collins
David F. Collins
Harold Connery
Cory J. Conway
Eben Cook
Lucian Cook
Richard W. Cooper
Joseph Coram
S. J. Coram
Alfred H. Corning, Jr.
Thomas J. Cots
Danmaiel Coughlin
John W. Cross
William Cross
Dean Cushing
C. D. Delancy
R. P. Delancy
Frank Dennett
Horace DesRochers
Joseph R. Destasio
Alfred N. Dow
Bruce G. Dow
John I. Dow
Rita Dow
W. J. Drew
Walater Drysdale
Brian A. DuBois
J. Dudley
Albert J. Dunbrack
Donald Dunbrack
Melvin E. Dunbrack
Clint Durant
John K. Eastman
E. S. Elkins
Harry Elwell
Henry W. Emery
Roland Emery
H. Eno
Otto Essigmann
Frederick D. Estey
Robert A Fabich
Carl E. Fairbrother
Bernard Felch
Chester Felch
George E. Felch
Harold C. Felch
Arthur Fellows
F. M. Fellows
Richard C. Fitts
Robert Fitz
Arthur C. Fogg
Stanley Fogg
Gary K. Fowler
Jack A. Furbush
Alfred V. Gagne
Fred Gagne
Floyd Gale
John R. Genthner
Perley R. George
Donald A. Gerard
George W. Godfrey
Jacob T. Godfrey
Jack Goodwin
Craig S. Grant
Fred J. Greenleaf
Charles A. Greenley
Jerry Greenley
Allen Grey
Amos Guyon
Brian K. Hamilton
Jean Hamilton
Paul Hamilton
Fred Hanham
Fred W. Hankin
Henry C. Hanson
George F. Hardardt, Jr.
John J. Hardardt
Winthrop L. Hart
Ray G. Haselton
Harold Higgins
John Higgins
Charles L. Hills
Howard H. Himmereich
Roy Hitchcock
Horace Hobbs
Oliver W. Hobbs
Floyd Hopkins
Bruce J. Horne
Charles Huckins
Robert F. Hughes
James K. Hunt
D. Hunter
D. Huntress
William K. Hurteau
George H. Irwin
M. James
Oscar Jenkins
L. Jenness
Percy Jenness
Alberet T. Johnson
J. A. Johnson
Ralph Johnson
F. Jones
George Jones
Wit Jones
John L. Karmen
Dean Kennedy
Elmer C. King
Paul P. Kinney, Sr.
Stanley Klewensky
Phil Koehane
John M. Kolberg
Anthony H. Kuncho
Henry LaDuke
W. E. Lamb
Arthur LaMontage
Michael LaMontage
George Lamott
Bert Lamprey
Frank A. Lamprey
Herbert E. Lamprey
Howell M. Lamaprey
James M. Lamprey
Uri Lamprey
Herman Lane
David E. Lang, Jr.
E. Langley
Guy G. Larivee
Richard D. Levesque
Cliff Lindsey
Michael Linn
Bryan Litchfield
C. W. Locke
Paul G. Long
Wayne Lord
Fred Lorenze
Austin B. Mace
Frank Mace
Kurt C. Mackle
D. J. Mahoney
Alma Marion
Paul E. Marston
Steven Marston
Forest Mason
Donald R. Matheson, Sr.
Jack McDevitt
John J. McDevitt, Jr.
Scott G. McDonald
Dennis McGowan
Leavitt McGrath
William C. McQuillen
Gene D. Melson
Norman N. Merrill
Russell A. Merrill
Victor Mitchell
Carl Mitchell
Cecil Morse
Edgar Morse
John A. Moulton
Sylvia Moulton
Walter L. Moulton, Jr.
D. Munsey
E. Murphy
P. Murphy
William C. Murray
Kenneth Myers
C. Nason
Robert Naves
Kevin L. Newcomb
Joseph S. Hoble, Sr.
Joseph S. Nobel, Jr.
Robert Nordgen
Gregory Norris
Barry W. Norris
Myron Norton
Nelson J. Norton
Thomas M. Norton
Eugene L. Noury
Harold Noyes
Everett Nudd
Thomas H. Nudd
Frederick T. O’Brien, Jr.
F. O’Dea
Frank O’Gara
James B. Oliver
Mark S. Ouellette
Howard C. Page, Jr.
Frank Palazzo
Charles D. Palmer
Robert M. Panit
Augustus Parker
Eugene Parker
Ralph Parker
Wilbur K. Parker
Wayne Parker
Davis L. Parr
Harry Parr
James Perkins
Harold G. Perkins
Ralph Perkins
Bruce D. Philbrick
G. Philbrook
Ronald J. Pierce
Oscar Pinear
Ray Piper
Charles Pollard
Lawrence A. Poliquin
T. H. Powers
David M. Pray
G. Purdy
Byron Redman
Frank B. Redman
George W. Redman
Robert W. Regan
Kenneth Y. Richardson
Lloyd C. Ring
Robert Ring
Bernard C. Robertson
Charles A. Rolland, Jr.
B. Ross
Charles W. Ross
Kenneth Ross
Atwood Rowe
John R. Rowe
Mark E. Ryan
Edward Sadler
Homer Sanborn
Norman Sanborn
Thomas L. Sanborn
Mark Savage
Richard W. Sawyer
Oscar Scammon
Michael A. Schwotzer
Clarence Shaw
Everett G. Shaw
Harold Shaw
John P. Simard
Richard Simonds
Robert Simons
Michael J. Small
H. L. Smart
Gerald Smith
Allston Snider
John F. Snyder
I. Stanley
Ervin C. Staples
William Stenstream
Oscar B. Stewart
Howard W. Stickney
William P. Stickney
William W. Stickney
Anthony R. St. Louis
C. P. Stone
Willliam C. Sturgis
William H. Sullivan
Richard Swain
Matthew D. Sweeney, Jr.
Stephen Szydio
Perry Tarleton
Benjamin Taylor
William Thibodo
Harbour Tiegue
Lawrence Tilton
Peter Tilton
Robert R. Thompson, Jr.
Samuel Towle
Steven M. Towle
Mark Trefethen
Herbert A. Troffater, Jr.
Herbert A. Troffater, Sr.
Richard J. Trofatter
William E. Trofatter
Robert C. Trumbull
James Tucker, Jr.
Harry Tufts
Don Tuholski
Earl Tuttle
Earl J. Urban
Omar Valley
Douglas W. Vanderpool
R. Vaughn
Dennis T. Wallace
Walter H. Ward
David A. Weber
Gary L. Webster
William J. Welsh
John C. White
Charles C.White
Homer Whiting
Harry Whitney
G. A. Wiggins
Ralph Wiggins
Fred C. Willy
Paul Wojtkun
Robert P. Wood
Frank R. Yeatman
Beecher Yeaton
Marvin Young
Randall Young
Ronald Young

Honoring Those Who Have Served

Hampton Fire Department


1984 – 1999

Thomas P. Andrews
Steven R. Benotti
Michael D. Brillard
Brian P. Chevalier
Lisa Clamp
Mark S. Cobb
Patrick J. Cotter
James D. Correll
Matthew C. Cray
Justin A. Cutting
Nathan E. Denio
John W. Dodge
Tom C. Evans
Donald B. Felch
Sean M. Gannon
Dennis M. Gillick
John W. Goodwin
Nathan Goodhile
Paul W. Haas
Forrest A. Hardardt
George B. James
Steven A. Jautaikis
William T. Kennedy
Jason M. Lajoie
Jeffrey L. Leduc
Richard P. Lefavour
Kevin P. Lemoine
Michael B. Lilly
Henry L. Lipe
David B. Mattson
Michael F. McMahon
Thomas Mills
Jay D. Mooney
Sean P. Murray
William Pepler
Aaron Pickering
Jane M. Plummer
Brian Rhodes
Christopher T. Silver
John C. Southwell
Jamie Stempleski
John C. Stevens
Steven Sullivan
Donald J. Thibeault
Robert R. Thompson III
Jonathan M. True
Judith R. Waitt
Michael Weaver
Brian C. Wiser

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