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The Hampton Record, March 8, 1907

Vol. VIII, No. 39, Price 1 cent

Compiled by John M. Holman, Contributing Writer

Trolley car barns
Car barns on right, before the fire, with the power station at left

“Car sheds burned at the Hampton Power Station, with a loss of several (trolley) cars …… Friday night at 10:15, fire was discovered in the car barn of the Exeter, Hampton & Amesbury Street Railway. It rapidly gained headway and the barn was completely destroyed, together with most of the open cars belonging to the company. The night watchman visited the barn at the his usual time, about 9:50, and everything was all right, but later Mr. Fred Marston, the engineer at the station, discovered a blaze in the discontinued office near the barn.

“The alarm was given, and soon a crowd of fire fighters formed a bucket brigade after the water in the tank was exhausted. The fact that the wires had to be cut to avoid danger, it cut off the power to pump more water into the tank with the power pump.

“The men worked nobly, and through extreme effort, fire was kept from the power station. The roof of the station was on fire several times, but the station itself, being built of birch, with iron shutters for the windows, escaped.

“The loss is estimated at from thirty to thirty-five thousand dollars, partially covered by insurance.”

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