History of the Hampton Fire Department

A tradition of service, courage and pride

Courtesy of Atlantic News & Advertiser

January 10, 1984

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At an annual Town Meeting held March 11, 1913, it was:

VOTED – Than an additional tank be purchased for the chemical wagon, and that one hundred and fifty dollars be raised and appropriated for the same.
VOTED – That the question of housing the chemical wagon and fire apparatus, both at the center of town and at the beach, be left with the selectmen, and that the sum of twelve hundred dollars be raised and appropriated for that purpose.
At an annual Town Meeting held March 10, 1914, it was:

VOTED – That the Town proceed to ballot for a Chief Fire Ward.
CHOSE – Uri Lamprey Chief Fire Ward.
VOTED – That the Chief Fire Ward be authorized to establish a fire company in the Town of Hampton, consisting of not more than twenty men.
VOTED – That the selectmen be instructed to buy a two wheel, forty gallon chemical wagon for the fire department.
Chief Fire Ward Uri Lamprey organized the Hampton Fire Dept. under the State Laws of New Hampshire March 12, 1914.

The first indication of a permanent fire dept. was found in Article #8 of the annual Town Meeting held February 16, 1923.
“To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate money to hire 4 men, A.H. Brown as Chief at $35. and three others at $25. per week, for the maintainance of Fire Dept. – at the beach.”

Report of Fire Chief

I hereby submit the first annual report of the fire department for the year ending February 1st, 1913, containing a full and complete list of the officers and members, condition of apparatus, number of fires and the cause.

Force of Department

The force of the department consists of: One chief, one captain, two lieutenants, one clerk, one steward and twenty members.

Fires Attended

July 6, 1912: grass fire in field back of Charles Page’s house.
Sept. 7, 1912: Mason House burned, loss $4,000. Insured. William Hayes’s house end badly burned. Insured. Mrs. Chase’s house badly scorched. Insured. The sheds of Thomas Cogger, wagons and sleds in them. Total loss.
Sept. 17, 1912: Harry Cleveland’s ell roof burned. Loss covered by insurance.


One combination chemical wagon, consisting of one large tank, twenty-four pony chemicals, two extension ladders, two roof ladders, two axes, three lanterns, eleven fire pails, four lengths of hose and four fire hooks, and is known as Chemical No. 1, and at present is kept at the shed rear of the Town Hall.

Officers and Members

Elmer C. King, chief; Oliver W. Hobbs, captain; Gerald Smith, first lieutenant; Charles Palmer, second lieutenant; Roland Emery, clerk; Uri Lamprey, steward; Fred Hankin, Ray Haselton, Oscar Stewart, Oscar Pevear, William Blake, Marvin Young, Myron Norton, Ralph Perkins, Ralph Parker, Arthur Fogg, Charles White, Harry Whitney, Clinton Durant, Henry Hanson, Forrest Mason, Byron Redman, Chester Felch, Beecher Yeaton, John Snyder, William Lamprey; members.


I would recommend that another tank the same as the one in chemical wagon No. 1, be bought and put into No. 1, and if the town will buy the running gear for a ladder truck and the stock. I have had volunteers to do the work of building same, and in doing so we could put the pony chemicals on the truck to make room for the other large tank.
We also need a house to put our wagon in, and truck, if we get it; also a place for the company to meet in.


In closing my first report to the town, I would say that this fire department started during July 1912. We had a few drills in August and got the company well organized. We have a bell signal system.

If anyone knows of a fire, please call the Central Telephone office and they will notify the company.

I wish to thank the members of the company for the interest they have taken in the forming of the company.


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