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By Liz Premo, Atlantic News Staff Writer

Atlantic News, Friday, July 21, 2006

[The following article is courtesy of Atlantic News]

The original barn as it looked on Drakeside Road,
before dismantling and relocating to the Tuck Museum grounds.

HAMPTON — After dismantling and relocating an 18th century barn from its previous location on Drakeside Road to the grounds of the Tuck Museum, the Hampton Historical Society needs to raise the funds necessary to fully restore the historical structure.

Members of the Seacoast area community are invited to contribute much-needed donations to help bring the HHS’s barn project to its completion. Contributions of any amount will be gratefully accepted; those totaling more than $100 will be recognized on a permanent plaque which will be on display in the barn.

Four levels of recognition are available: “Donor,” $100 and over; “Supporter,” $250 and over; “Sponsor,” $500 and over; and “Benefactor,” $1000 and over. Donors may also contribute $25 for a wooden peg, which will be personalized before it is utilized for the barn raising.

Thanks to donations already received, preparation for the actual barn raising has begun, with a foundation and floor poured and sills in the process of being installed. However, more help is needed.

With the community’s help, the HHS will be successful in preserving yet another piece of Hampton history. For additional information about the Hampton Historical Society or the barn project, call (603) 929-0781 or visit

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