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By Cpl John M. Holman, U.S. Army, Germany

Hampton Union — 1952

The EUCOM (European Command) Quartermaster School is located in Lenggries, Germany, in a beautiful valley, surrounded by the Bavarian snow-covered mountains. Lenggries is approximately forty miles south of Munich, and the town of Lenggries reminds one of a winter-sports town. Many people come from miles around to make use of the ideal skiing facilities which Lenggries offers.

This QM (Quartermaster) school is one of the finest and best equipped schools in EUCOM, offering many courses to the enlisted man which will train him more capably in the job for which he is best suited.

One of the more popular courses offered at this army service school is the Personnel Administrative Specialists course which teaches the enlisted man the administrative duties of the Unit Personnel Section and also the fundamentals of typewriting, together with a little on Company administration. This course covers a period of five weeks, and enrolls thirty-five men, under the experienced instruction of competent non-commissioned officers.

Another course offered is the Scout Dog Trainers course. The men interested in this branch of the Army learn to handle dogs in time of war for scouting, patrolling, and various situations where dogs are utilized. The school has about two hundred German Shepherds which know what the word “obedience” means.

The cooking course is of course, the most popular among the prospective cooks. The course is a well rounded one, and as soon as the student-cooks have advanced far enough in their training, they are put in the large, modern mess hall which serves the entire school of students. In this consolidated mess hall, the food is prepared by the student-cooks under the watchful eyes of the experienced instructors. In consequence, the student-cooks turn out well-prepared, balanced meals.

This large fluorescent-lighted mess hail reminds one of a large sized cafeteria in the States. It feeds over twelve hundred men a day, at tables which seat four, and the long serving line is adequate to fill the trays of the school students at a very rapid rate, so there is very little waiting in line to be fed.

Other courses offered are the NCO (Non-commissioned Officers) Supply course, the Personnel Management course, a typing course, and many others.

Besides the regular courses listed on the schedule, the school also teaches the men the art of housekeeping in the individual rooms of six men each. There is a daily inspection of the room by the Commanding Officer and the First Sergeant of each company, to see if the beds are made properly, floors are swept, and mopped, beds aligned, shoes shined, and no dust on wall lockers, lamp shades, window sills or ledges. In fact the room must be spotless in every way.

These inspections give a sense of responsibility to the soldier, so he knows the right way to keep his living quarters in a clean and orderly condition. A violation of the housekeeping rules by any soldier, means his pass will be suspended. for a period of time, and continued violations means a longer time of suspension of passes.

When the soldier finally graduates from the school after the prescribed time is up, he fairly well knows what it is to “soldier,” and realizes that his old outfit wasn’t so bad after all when he goes back to it. Ask me, I know!

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