By Elizabeth Dinan

Portsmouth Herald, Sunday, February 27, 2005

[The following article is courtesy of Portsmouth Herald and Seacoast Online.]

William “Billy” Flynn is sworn during testimony
in the Gregg Smart murder trial in 1991. Flynn
remains imprisoned with an earliest parole date
 of June 4, 2018. He will turn 31 on March 12.
[Portsmouth Herald file photo]

PORTSMOUTH — Last week, Herald Sunday published an interview with Pamela Smart, who is serving a life sentence, without parole, in the Bedford Hills Correctional Facility in New York, for plotting the 1991 murder of her husband, Gregg.

Following a highly publicized trial, four Seacoast teens were also implicated in Smart’s murder and because all were admitted to the state Department of Corrections after New Hampshire’s Truth in Sentencing Law, there is no longer time off for good behavior and all will serve their full terms.

Their status is as follows:

* William “Billy” Flynn: Confessed to shooting Gregg Smart above the left ear, following a sexual relationship with his wife, Pamela. Flynn later testified he committed the murder following Pamela’s instructions and based on a desire to be with her. He was admitted to the state corrections department on August 19, 1992 with a sentence of 40 years to life, with 12 years suspended.

His earliest parole date is June 4, 2018 and he is serving his sentence in a prison out of state and not being identified by the DOC.

* Patrick “Pete” Randall: Confessed to helping Flynn commit the murder and was turned over to the DOC on August 21, 1992 with a sentence of 40 years to life, with 12 years suspended. He is also being incarcerated out of state and his earliest parole date is June 4, 2018.

* Vince Lattime Jr.: Provided the murder weapon, a .38 revolver from his father’s gun collection and waited in the car as the murder was committed. He was admitted to the correction’s department on August 20, 1992 with a 30-year to life sentence. Lattime is serving his sentence out of state and because he successfully argued for a sentence reduction, is eligible for parole June 6, 2008.

* Raymond Fowler: Was also in the getaway car during the murder and is currently incarcerated in the New Hampshire State Prison for Men in Concord, following a June 18, 2004 parole violation after his arrest in Seabrook related to an altercation with a girlfriend. Fowler was originally sentenced on May 28, 1992 and released on parole on April 21, 2003. Pending the outcome of his Seabrook charges, he may be released in advance of his original July 28, 2013 release date.