The Community Bank & Trust Company, 117 Winnacunnet Road, Hampton, N.H.

Scenes of Historic Hampton

Compliments of Community Bank & Trust Company
Hampton, New Hampshire — (603) 929-2100

{Photos courtesy William H. Teschek, Lane Memorial Library}

[Website compiled by John M. Holman, Hampton History Volunteer]

— JANUARY 2001 —

The Hampton Fishing Clique, 1909. From left to right are Charles Harrison (a blacksmith from Hampton Falls), Eugene Janvrin (a meat man), and at the far right is Walter Goss (a local house painter). Others are unknown.

— FEBRUARY 2001 —

The Bradford Shoe Company plant on Kershaw Avenue was built by town businessmen in 1935 to bring industry to town during the Depression. It stayed in business until 1949 when it was replaced by Nichols Poultry Farm, and in 1961 by the Pearse Leather Company. It has since been home to numerous small businesses.

— MARCH 2001 —

The Toppan Farm once stood at 340 Lafayette Road: From 1837 to 1849 Edmund Toppan was Hampton’s postmaster. The town’s second post office was located here, and during the 1930s and 1940s, the Toppans also operated it as a boarding house. In 1971, the Olde Hampton Village apartments were built on this site. (Inset:) Christopher S. Toppan, farmer, selectman and school board member, 1874-1946.

— APRIL 2001 —

Butcher and postmaster, Herbert Perkins, right, and his nephew, G. Lester Perkins, stand along the south side of High Street in the center of town, outside Herbert’s store. Known as the Merrill Block, these buildings were constructed in 1889 and still stand today.

— MAY 2001 —

The “Mile-Long” wooden bridge over the Hampton River connecting Hampton and Seabrook beaches was built by Casino owner and beach developer, Wallace Lovell, and the trolley company. Construction began 100 years ago this month [May 1901], and the bridge opened the following year as the longest of its type in New England, replaced in 1949 by the Neil R. Underwood Bridge


— JUNE 2001 —

The U.S. Mail wagon passes in front of the Elmwood Inn on Winnacunnet Road: Household and business mail delivery uptown didn’t begin until 1946. Before that time, those who wanted to send or receive mail had to go to the post office or hand their mail to a local delivery man. The Elmwood opened in the late 1890s and now goes by the name of the “Inn at Elmwood Corners.” {Note the trolley rails of the Exeter, Hampton & Amesbury Street Railway Compoany in the foreground.}

— JULY 2001 —

Owned by the railway company, this popcorn and refreshment stand stood on the boardwalk about 1914, with the railway ticket booth just to its left. The company paid $100 for a town license to sell popcorn here, while Robert B. Ring paid $300 for a more lucrative nearby location. (Inset:) Beachgoers relax with breakwater, Hampton Beach Casino and bandstand behind them.

— AUGUST 2001 —

The Hampton Beach Casino, seen here in the early 1900s, drew thousands of vacationers to Hampton Beach. Opened in 1899, it is still going strong more than 100 years later, having avoided three major beach fire in 1915, 1921 and 1950.

— SEPTEMBER 2001 —

Salt marsh hay farmers used gundalows like these to haul their harvest: Here Stacy Nudd floats his crop down Nudd’s Canal in 1912 while Paul and John Nudd and George Brown ride along.

— OCTOBER 2001 —

Hampton Academy football team in 1924: One of the Academy’s best athletes of the 1920s was Winslow Tuck White, who played football, hockey and baseball. Weighing only 98 pounds, he was quarterback for the first football team. He later pitched for a minor league franchise of the St. Louis Cardinals. In June 1930, the Tuck Athletic Field was opened, named after local benefactor, Edward Tuck, [as was the Tuck Memorial Museum].

— NOVEMBER 2001 —

This south-facing view of the railroad crossing of Exeter Road looks very different today. The small overpass that is there now was built in 1900 and many of the buildings in the area were moved to their current locations along Lafayette Road. Until that time, this was considered the center of town. After the overpass was built, the center of town moved to where it is today.

— DECEMBER 2001 —

Colt News Store, pictured here at some time in the 1930s, opened for business in 1924 and is still in existence today. Owner David F. Colt Sr. was a photographer who came to Hampton Beach to work for a beach studio. He eventually moved to town and opened a restaurant before opening his store. He sold newspapers, added a soda fountain, and began a photofinishing business.

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