Portsmouth Herald, 1943

HAMPTON’S “PREACHING COP,” Rev. Lloyd Perrigo, right, pastor of the First Baptist church, will preach his last sermon there tomorrow evening at 7 o’clock. He will leave Hampton Sept. 8 for a new pastorate in Brooklyn, N. Y. Above he is shown with Gus Locke, fellow policeman, who was former police chief at Newton Junction. Officer Locke tips the scales 345 pounds and is six feet, two inches in height. Officer Perrigo is more than six feet tall and weighs over 200 pounds.
[Editor’s note: The dark blob on Officer Locke’s face was on the photo in the vintage newspaper.]
[Photo by Belcher]

Rev. Lloyd M. Perrigo, pastor of the First Baptist church in Hampton for the past three years, will give his last sermon in the evening service tomorrow at 7 pm. He will speak on “If I Had But One Sermon to Preach,” and will also sing a number requested by the congregation, “The Stranger in Galilee.”

Mr. Perrigo is leaving Sept. 8 to accept a pastorate in Brooklyn, N. Y., has been very active in Hampton affairs. Besides his church duties, he has been chairman of the music committee of the Hampton Parent-Teacbers’ association, chief air raid warden for two years, a special summer policeman for two years; chairman of the music committee of the Men’s fellowship; assistant to chief observer Charles D. Davis at the observation post and judge at the annual fair at the. Ocean-side grange.

REV. MR. AND MRS. LLOYD M. PERRIGO Miss Elva Grace Wilson, daughter of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Wilson; North Hampton, N. H., and Rev. Lloyd M. Perrigo, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Hampton, N. H., and son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Perrigo, Bangor, Me., were married last Saturday afternoon at the Advent Church, Portsmouth, N. H. The ceremony was performed by the bride’s father.

Early Training in Maine

He began his training for the ministry at Bangor Theological Seminary in Maine, and then continued his studies at Gordon college of Theology and Missions in Boston. He received the degree of Bachelor of Theology last month and was ordained in the First Baptist church in Hampton.

His first permanent parish was in Hampton, but he gained experience for his pastorate by serving two winters as chaplain at Boston Farm and Trade school and at a summer church in Otis and Mariaville, Me. He preached his first sermon in Hampton June, 1940.

On June 19 Mr. Perrigo and Miss Elva Grace Wilson, daughter of Rev. Harold J. Wilson of the Hampton Advent church, were married in a ceremony performed by Miss Wilson’s father. The couple live at the parsonage of the First Baptist church.