The First Congregational Church
Junior Choir

Mrs. Louise Benoit, Choir Director

Hampton Union, Thursday, March 24, 1949

The Junior Choir
The First Congregational Church Junior Choir, 1949

Front Row, l. to r.:
Dale Woodward, Susan Hollis, George Sumner, Roger Hammond, Raymond Sturgis, Anthony Bourne, Stacy Bragg, Judith Colwell, Lois Harvey, Paul Sturgis.

Middle row, l. to r.:
Richard (“Rick”) Seavey, Gail Cunningham, Carol Stenstream, Rosalie Tucker, Loring K. Mills, Kenneth Tobey, Deborah (Bourne) Bailey, George Strout, Sally (Carpenter) Lamprey.

Back row, l. to r.:
Harold Bailey, Sandra Blake, Barbara Hammond, Janet Bundy, Priscilla Clough, Edith Hollis, Guy Sturgis, Elaine Rice.

Footnote: A special thanks to Judy (Osgood) Mills, Loring Mills, Charlotte (Magrath) Fitts, Fred Rice and Sally (Carpenter) Lamprey for identifying the Junior Choir photograph.
Fred Rice had the following comments: “Most of the kids in the picture were classmates, and several factors make me believe that the picture was taken when we were in second or third grade, which would be 1947 or 1948 [it actually appeared in The Hampton Union, Thursday, March 24, 1949]. They definitely look older than the first grade pictures I have, but close to the second grade pictures. Assuming that the choir was school aged kids, then it would verify that date, since some of those in the photo (Roger Hammond, George Sumner, Ray Sturgis, Harold Bailey) were a year younger than I. Also, I don’t think Hollises moved to Hampton until ’47 or maybe even ’48. [February 28, 2001]”