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Special to the Hampton Union

Hampton Union, October 10, 1946

[The following article is courtesy of the Hampton Union and Seacoast Online.]

The First Methodist Church of Hampton which will celebrate the 110th anniversary of its founding with special services this weekend. Bishop Lewis O. Hartman of Boston will be the principal speaker at the anniversary service Sunday morning.

The 110th anniversary of the founding of the First Methodist church in Hampton will be observed this coming week end with special services Saturday and Sunday. The observance will open with a parish supper Saturday evening in the church, with the members of the Women’s Society of Christian service and Wesleyan Service Guild in charge. Among the special guests will be former pastors and their wives and Gov. Charles M. Dale, who has accepted an invitation to be present. William I. Elliot will be the toastmaster. There will be special music and community singing.

Sunday morning from 9:30 to 10:00 o’clock, there will be a broadcast over radio station WHEB, with William I. Elliot as the announcer. Music will include vocal solos by Mr. Elliot and selections from the male chorus of Hampton Academy and High school under the direction of Mrs. Esther Coombs.

The guest preacher at the regular worship service Sunday morning will be Bishop Lewis 0. Hartman of Boston. As a large attendance is expected, additional seats will be placed in the Sanctuary, with the vestry opened. A public address system will be installed for the occasion to allow those in the vestry and a distance from the speakers to hear. Rev. Floyd G. Kinsley, pastor of the Hampton First Congregational Church, Rev. Lincoln A. Smith, pastor of the First Baptist church, and the pastor, Rev. Richard H. L. Vanaman, will participate in this service. Delegates from the Advent Christian church, Hampton Falls Baptist church, North Hampton Congregational church and Little River Christian church will attend.

The first services in the Hampton First Methodist church were held in December of 1835 when Rev. J. M. Palmer, pastor of the Newmarket church was the preacher. The church,was established about the middle of the year of 1836.

Rev. Robert Barker, William Magwood, Calvin Warburton and Harold L. Keir are among the former pastors who have been invited to attend the observance, as special guests of the parish.

Methodist Church Observes 110th Anniversary

Special to the Hampton Union

Hampton Union, October 13, 1946

[The following article is courtesy of the Hampton Union and Seacoast Online.]

Prominent state and local officials attending the 110th Anniversary service of the First Methodist Church Sunday are front row, Judge John W. Perkins, Hampton; County Commissioner Irving W. Marston, North Hampton (oldest member of the church; Bishop Lewis Hartman of Boston, Congressman Chester E. Merrow; and Governor Charles M. Dale. Back row, Rev. Richard Vanaman, pastor; Rev. Paul Stauffer, pastor, North Hampton Christian Church; Rev. Floyd G. Kinsley and Rev. Lincoln A. Smith.
[Photo by Kirby Higgins]

State and local dignitaries including Gov. Charles M. Dale and Congressman Chester Merrow were among the hundreds of persons who attended the 110th Anniversary of the First Methodist Church Sunday morning.

Rev. Richard H. L. Vanaman, pastor of the Hampton’s first Methodist Church, conducted the service, was assisted by the clergy of the Hampton churches. Rev. Lincoln A. Smith of the First Baptist church, gave the Scripture reading, while Paul Stauffer of the Little River church at North Hampton gave the responsive reading. The Prayer was by Rev. Floyd C. Kinsley, of the First Hampton Congregational church.

Bishop Lewis O. Hartman of Boston, guest preacher, spoke on “The Gospel of Work.” In his remarks Bishop Hartman, stressed the importance of work and how it helps to mould character.

There was a musical program with William I. Elliot. chairman of the anniversary committee, singing a solo. Included among the overflowing crowd were several former pastors.

Hold Anniversary Supper

Saturday evening there was an anniversary supper in the church vestry. William Elliot was toastmaster and greetings were extended by Rev. Ray H. Cowen of Haverhill, Mass., district superintendent; Rev. Edgar Warren, 87, retired Congregational minister; Rev. Fred Buker, 80, former pastor of the Baptist Church; Herbert Walker, pastor-emritus of the Hampton Congregational church, Rev. Z. Richard Henley, pastor of the Hampton Advent church, Rev. Lincoln A. Smith, pastor of the First Baptist church here, Rev. Robert S. Barker of Sanbornville and Rev. Calvin J. Warburton of Salem, both former pastors, Robert O. E. Elliot, formerly of Hampton and now publicist for the Maine Development Commission, Rev. Richard H. L. Vanaman, present pastor, and Chester G. Marston, who has served the church for more than 34 years as treasurer.

Rev. Mr. Vanaman also read letters of regret from President Harry S. Truman, Senators Styles Bridges, and Charles W. Tobey. Senator Tobey in his letter stated that he concurred with the Hampton minister in the statement that the Christian church is the hope of the world today.

There was also a service in memory of members and former pastors who have died. Messages from former pastors, Rev. Charles M. Tibbetts of Bethlehem, Rev. Herbert F. Quimby of Derry, Rev. Norman J. Langmaid of Nashua, Rev. William Magwood of Georgetown, Mass., Rev. W. R. Pierce and Rev. Harold B. Kier of Springfield. Mass., were read by Rev. Vanaman.

Mrs. Thelma Woodes, president of the Woman’s society and Wesleyan Service guild, and Mrs. Bess Howe, were co-chairman of the supper committee, assisted by Eva Batchelder, Lucy Hadley, Gladys Carter, Mary Riley, Margaret Murray, Bertha Chisholm and Annie Perkins. The general committee comprised William I. Elliot, Harry Carter, Herbert B. Beede, Chester G. Marston, Lawrence Hackett, Betty Hackett, Alice Elliot, Thelma Woodes, Gladys Carter, Bert Ashford and Mr. Vanaman.


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