Delivered at Hampton, New Hampshire,

on the 25th of December,


In Commemoration of the Settlement of That Town:

Two Hundred Years

Having Elapsed Since That Event.

By Joseph Dow, A. M.

Published by Request.

Printed by Asa McFarland, Concord.
(Opposite the State House.)

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The names of some of the first settlers of Hampton found in the Massachusetts Colony Records. Dr. Belknap has given them in his history. The following is his list:

Stephen Bachelor Thomas Molton
Christopher Hussey William Estow
Widow Mary Hussey William Palmer
Thomas Cromwell William Sergeant
Samuel Skullard Richard Swayne
John Osgood Williams Sanders
Samuel Greenfield Robert Tucke
John Molton John Cross

The four names still found in the town, are Bachelor, Molton, Palmer, and Tucke. Three of these names are now spelled in a different manner.


The writer referred to, is Edward Johnson, author of a work entitled “Wonder-Working Providence of Zion’s Saviour.” The followings is an extract from this work:

“Much about this time [1639,] began the Town of Hampton, in the County of Northfolk, to have her foundation stone laid, scituate near the Sea-coast, not farre from the famous River of Merimeck, the great store of salt marsh did intice this people to set downe their habitations there, for as yet Coews and Cattell of that kinde were not come to the great downfall in their price, of which they have 450 head; and for the form of this Towne, it is like a Flower de luce, two streets of houses wheeling off from the maine body thereof, the land is fertile, but filled with swamps, and some store of rocks, the people are about 60 Families; being gathered together into Church covenant, they called to office the reverend, grave, and gracious Mr. Doulton, having also for some little space of time the more ancient Mr. Bachelor to preach unto them also.”


I have made no attempts to give a full history of the town. It is desirable, however, that some persons, qualified for the undertaking, should prepare and publish such a work. Abundant materials, at present, exist; but they are every year diminishing. Hampton being one of the first settled towns in New-Hampshire, it for many years formed an important part of the Province. Its history must, therefore, be interesting and useful. Well written histories of the several towns settled at an early period, would be invaluable documents to any person preparing a history of the State.

The record of the first vote mentioned, offering a bounty for killing a wolf, is in the following words:

“The 27: 11 mo; 44. It is hereby declared that every townsman which shall kill a wolfe & bring the head thereof & nayle the same to a little red oake at the northeast end of the meeting-house — They shall have 10s. a wolfe for ther paynes out of the towne-fines; or otherwise, if noe fines be in hand.”


The meeting, at which these delegates, or commissioners, were chosen, was held January 20, 1689-90. After a preamble, mentioning that commissioners had been chosen by the people of Portsmouth and of Dover, and that the people of Hampton had been invited to pursue a similar course, the determination of the town is expressed, as follows:

“We therefore ye inhabitants of the Towne of Hampton in answer to their request have agreed to send the sixe persons as our comishoners to joyne with ye comishoners of ye other Towns in ye province to confer about and resolve upon a method of Government within this province — And what ye sayd comishoners of the whole province of the major part of them shall conclude and agree upon as to ye setelment of Government amongst us — If thes own sayd comishoners (viz) Henry Green Esqre, Ensign Henry Dow, Mr. Nathaniel Wire, Capt. Samuel Sherrborne, Morris Hobs Senior, and Mr. Edward Gove, in discoursing and agreeing about ye same, if they or ye majer part of them shall se just cause to comply and agree with the other comishoners as to ye way and method of Government that shall be settled amongst us. And shall subscribe thereto — We the Inhabitants of ye Towne of Hampton reposing espeaciall Trust and confirdence in our sayd comishoners, what they shall agree to, or the majer part of them. We shall hold as good and valued to all intents and purposes; Hereby obleidging our Seleves to held all ready obedience thereto, untill Their Majesties Order shall arive for ye Setelment of Government over us.”


“On the 2 of the 2 mo; 1649:”

The selectmen of this Towne of Hampton have agreed with John Legat for this present yeare insueing — To teach and instruct all the children of or belonging to our Towne, both Mayle and femaile (wch are capiable of learning) to write and read and cast accountes, (if it be desired) as dilegently and as carefully as he is able to teach and instruct them; And so dilegently to follow the said imployment att all such time and times this yeare insueing, as the wether shall be fitting for the youth to com together to one placer to be instructed: And allso to teach and instruct them once in a week, or more, in some Arthodox chatechise provided for them by their parents or master.
“And in consideration hereof we have agreed to pay, or cause to be payd unto the said John Legat the som of Twenty pounds, in corne and cattle and butter, att price currant, as payments are made of such goods in this Towne, and this to be payd by us quarterly, paying £5 every quarter of the yeare after he has begun to keep school.
“John Legat entered upon scholeing, the 21 day of the 3 month, 1649.”

  Town Records.


Rev. Timothy Dalton was once a minister in the church of England. Being a non-conformist, he was obliged to relinquish his office, and leaving his native land he came to New-England. About the year 1637, or 1638, he was admitted as a freeman at Dedham, Mass. Soon after he came to this town, where he was settled in the ministry in 1639.
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