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In 1732, the quantity of land in Hampton, rated as “planting and mowing land” was 2378 acres; as “pasture land,” 2546 acres; the number of “Head,” 257; of houses, two stories high, 142; one story high, 29; oxen, 241; cows, 486; three year olds, 198; two year olds, 201; one year olds, 277; horses, 158; swine, 45. The assessment on Dr. Sargent’s negro slave was £12; on Jonathan Elkins’ and Capt. Thomas’, £20 each; on Dr. Toppan’s slave, £18.

The invoice, from which the above is taken was made by Capt. Jabez Dow and Samuel Palmer, Jun., who were chosen by the town for that purpose. They certified the same, April 12, 1732.

In Hampton Falls, which then included all the territory lying on the south side of Taylor’s river, which formerly belonged to Hampton, the number of polls was 256; of two-story houses, 144; and of one-story houses, 46. The whole amount of property invoiced, belong to Hampton, was £9974 14s. — and to Hampton Falls, £9575. Of a province tax of £1014, raised in 1732, Hampton was required to pay £94 12s. 6d. and Hampton Falls, £90 16s. 3d. Hence it appears that the two towns formed from what was originally Hampton, were nearly equal in those respects in which they are here compared. The province tax paid by both towns was more than one-sixth part of the whole sum raised in the province.

Once before, in 1724, Capt. Jabez Dow performed a similar service for the town, when, the council and assembly having ordered an election of delegates, to meet in Portsmouth on the first Monday in September, to make a new apportionment of the province tax, he was chosen to represent Hampton.

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