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Jacob Basford
Benjamin Batchelder
Stephen Batchelder
John Berry
Philemon Blake
Timothy Blake
Jacob Brown
Thomas Brown
Samuel Cass
John Chase
Jacob Clifford
Samuel Colcord
Abraham Cole, jr.
James Crafford
John Cram
Jonathan Cram
Joseph Cram
Thomas Crosby
Ebenezer Dearborn
Samuel Dearborn
Samuel, son of Henry
Thomas Dearborn
Thomas Dearborn, jr.
Capt. Henry Dow
Jabez Dow
John Dow
Joseph Dow, sr.
Joseph Dow, his son
Joseph Dow, jr.
Abraham Drake, sr.
Abraham Drake, jr.
Robert Drake
Jonathan Elkins
Moses Elkins
Joseph Fanning
Edward Fifield
Joseph Fifield
James Fogg
Samuel Fogg
Ebenezer Foulsham
John French
Joseph French
Nathaniel Francis
John Garland
Peter Garland
Isaac Godfrey
John Godfrey
Lieut. Edward Gove
Ebenezer Gove
Isaac Green
Nathaniel Griffin
Paul Healey
Samuel Healey
Timothy Hilliard
John Hobbs
Morris Hobbs, jr.
Nehemiah Hobbs
John Hussey
Benjamin James
Edmund Johnson
James Johnson
Samuel Johnson
David Kincaid
John Knowles
Simon Knowles
Benjamin Lamprey
Daniel Lamprey
Thomas Lancaster
William Lane
Aretas Leavitt
John Leavitt, jr.
Moses Leavitt
Thomas Leavitt
Nathaniel Locke
Caleb Marston
Ephraim Marston
Isaac Marston
John Marston
Jonathan Marston
John Mason
Samuel Melcher
Benjamin Moulton
Daniel Moulton
James Moulton
Ens. John Moulton
Joseph Moulton
Christopher Noble
John Nay
Samuel Nudd
Thomas Nudd
Francis Page
Christopher Palmer
Samuel Palmer
Benjamin Perkins
Caleb Perkins
Humphrey Perkins
James Perkins
James Philbrick
Sergt. Jonathan Philbrick
Thomas Philbrick
Christopher Pottle
Jonathan Prescott
Joshua Purington
John Redman
Ichabod Robie
Samuel Robie
Thomas Robie
Charles Rundlett
Lieut. John Sanborn
Mephibosheth Sanborn
Richard Sanborn
Stephen Sanborn
William Sanborn
Benjamin Shaw
Caleb Shaw
Josiah Shaw
Roger Shaw
Samuel Shaw
Capt. Samuel Sherburne
Christopher Smith
Israel Smith
Jacob Smith
Sergt. John Smith
John Smith, his son
Samuel Smith
William Smith
James Souther
James Stanyan
Thomas Stevens
John Stockbridge
William Swaine
John Swett
Capt. Joseph Swett
Moses Swett
Stephen Swett
Benjamin Taylor
John Taylor
Joseph Taylor
Benjamin Thomas
Daniel Tilton
Samuel Tilton
Benjamin Towle
Caleb Towle
Francis Towle
Joseph Towle
Philip Towle, jr.
John Tuck and man.
Thomas Ward
Peter Weare
Sergt. Ebenezer Webster
Isaac Webster
John Webster
Thomas Webster
David Wedgwood

Jonathan Wedgwood

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