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At the end of the first month of the year 1777, £100 of the continental money,paper currency, was equal to £100 silver. Soon after, it began to depreciate in value, and in six months it had depreciated 20 per cent. A little before that time, July 14, there was a town meeting in Hampton, at which it was voted “to choose a committee to affix and settle the prices of all kinds of goods and articles enumerated in an act of the State,” that had recently been passed. There had been for some time a gradual rise in the prices of many articles needed in every family, and it was a prevalent opinion that the persons selling those articles had raised their prices so that they might grow rich at the expense of others. It was thought that this course should b checked by law. Hence the origin of the act by virtue of which the town voted as is above stated.

The committee chosen to determine at what prices the articles enumerated should be sold, consisted of the following persons: Lieut. Josiah Dearborn, Mr. Josiah Moulton, Jun., Lieut. Cotton Ward, Lieut. Jonathan Garland, Benjamin Batchelder and Capt. Morris Hobbs.

The meeting was adjourned, to meet again in one week.

At the adjourned meeting, the following preamble and resolution were presented:

“Whereas it is represented that there are some persons in this town, who have behaved very disorderly, and that their conduct tends greatly to injure our endeavors to maintain the American Cause: — Therefore Resolved, That it is our earnest desire that such persons should be brought to their proper duty, or otherwise dealt with according to the law of Resolves of the State or General Congress; and that we will aid and assist all officers,s both civil and military, in carrying the same into execution.”

This Resolution was adopted by the town, but no evidence is found, that any persons were molested in consequence of this act.

At a town meeting, January 19, 1778, Lieut. John Fogg, Lieut. Josiah Dearborn, Lieut. Cotton Ward and Col. Jonathan Moulton were chosen a committee to procure the men that were wanting of the town’s quota, to fill up the continental army.


In the summer of 1778, a convention met in Concord [N.H.], to form a new constitution for the state. The whole number of delegates was seventy-three, two of them from Hampton — Capt. Josiah Moulton and Col. Jonathan Moulton. A bill of Rights and Plan of Government were drawn up and greed upon and the convention closed its labors in June of the following year. The proposed constitution was submitted to the people in the course of the summer, and wholly rejected. In this town, however, only two votes were given against it, while there were forty-three for it adoption.
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