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The General Assembly met June 12, according to adjournment, and the governor again urged upon the members a conciliatory course; but, though “a man of sound understanding, refined taste, enlarged views and dignified spirit,” being a loyalist, he had ceased to have much influence with the majority. At the end of a month, he again adjourned the assembly; but they never transacted any more business; and Governor Wentworth soon after left the province.


The company of Infantry, in Hampton, was at this time under the command of Capt. Henry Elkins. The Committee of Safety, on the 15th of June, addressed to him the following order:

You are directed to man two whale-boats out of your company, & keep them constantly cruising off & on the coast, & direct them to acquaint all vessels bound to Piscataqua, having provisions, salt or molasses on board, that the man-of-war there has orders to seize them; & advise them to get into York, Newburyport, Hampton or Rye, as they judge expedient.”

Near the close of the month, Captain Elkins was directed “to order his boatmen to put into the Shoals, & bring to Hampton any cannon-shot they may find there, if the people at the Shoals will allow it to be done.”

On the 6th of July, Capt. Josiah Moulton was appointed paymaster of Captain Elkins’ company, and the Receiver General was ordered to pay to him £139 16s. lawful money, for their pay for one month; and £97 10s. to pay for billeting the company. The order for the payment of the latter sum was given on the 1st of August, and the same day it was ordered, that Captain Elkins should march his company immediately to join the army at Medford.

It is difficult to ascertain precisely what force was stationed along the sea-board. It undoubtedly varied somewhat according to the apprehension of danger at different times. After the battle of Bunker Hill, on the 17th of June, the fears that had agitated the people for a few weeks previous, appear to have subsided. Still it was not prudent to leave the coast entirely unguarded, though, as we have seen, the company that had been stationed there, was withdrawn on the 1st of August.

At a town meeting six days afterward, it was voted to have four men on guard at the beach every night. Lieut. James Philbrick was appointed to make a list of the names of all the persons in the town, liable to perform this service, and empowered to order the guard by turns. His list, still to be seen, contains 168 names, and 153 checks to denote the performance of guard duty.

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