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At a town meeting holden in the latter part of July, 1776, it was voted, “To give to each man who has enlisted to make up our proportion of men for this town, and who is gone under Capt. Samuel Nay, to join our brethren of the Northern Army, the sum of four pounds two shillings Lawful money, as an additional bounty both bounty granted by the colony.”Also voted, that the selectmen raise the money by a tax and pay it to the soldiers upon their return; and in case any of them should not return, then their friends to be entitled to the same.

In the spring of 1777, the town voted “To give each man that shall enlist, fourteen pounds, over and above what is allowed by the continental and State bounty; and that the selectmen be hereby impowered to assist the commissioned officers in enlisting the men.”

At an adjourned meeting, April 3, Joshua James and Lieut. Josiah Dearborn were chosen as a committee to be sent out, to hire men to fill up the quota of the town in the continental army.

Four days after, it was voted “to allow those persons that have done service in the war, so far as a committee shall judge proper to allow them.” The committee chosen to make such allowance consisted of the following person: Lieut. Cotton Ward, Mr. Josiah Moulton, Ens. Philip Towle, Joseph Dow, and Morris Hobbs. Voted, “to give each man that shall enlist, thirty pounds, Lawful money, as an addition to the State and continental bounty.” Lieut. Jonathan Garland and Lieut. John Taylor were chosen a committee to hire men to enlist.

A few weeks afterward the bounty offered was somewhat modified, and Lieut. Jonathan Garland, Lieut. John Fogg and Capt. Samuel Nay were appointed to enlist soldiers. At the same meeting the selectmen were impowered to raise two thousand one hundred dollars for the purpose of hiring soldiers.

Early in May, another town meeting was holden, in relation to counties and enlistments. It was found very difficult to procure seasonably as many men as the town was called upon to furnish for the war. The term offered to those enlisting into the service were altered from time to time, as their varying circumstances seemed to require.

At this meeting, it was voted, “to give to each solder that should enlist into the continental service in behalf of the town, for, and during the term of eight months, the sum of £17 6s. 8d., lawful money, including the continental and State bounty, if any should be allowed.” Capt. Samuel Nay, Lieut. John Fogg and Mr. Micajah Morrill were chosen and empowered as a committee, to enlist soldiers in behalf of the town, for the term of three years, one year, or eight months, as might be agreed upon; but they were to do it at the cheapest rate they could possibly procure them.

Col. Jonathan Moulton and Capt. John Moulton were chosen to make application to the General Court, or the Committee of Safety of the state to have the town allowed for the soldiers enlisted into the continental army in behalf of the town, for the term of one year, or eight months, “the proportion of continental & state bounty, & other emoluments, for either of said terms, as are allowed to soldiers enlisting for three years.”

The same day, the Committee of Safety wrote to Colonel Moulton “to keep a Guard at the Boar’s Head, of two persons constantly night & day.”

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