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Perkins Post, No. 78, G. A. R.

The surviving soldiers of Hampton and the adjoining towns, for the purpose of preserving the friendship formed amid the scenes of war; to assist their disabled and suffering comrades; to perpetuate the memory of the heroic dead; and to care for their widows and orphans, were organized as a Post of the Grand Army of the Republic, on the 12th day of May, 1884, with twenty-five charter members. Subsequent additions brought the membership up to forty-seven. Eighteen of these members were comrades from Seabrook, who, owing to their long distance from the place of the Post meetings were, in 1887, honorably discharged, to institute a Post in their own town, thus reducing the number of twenty-nine. The Post has lost one by death, but recent additions make the present membership thirty-three, of whom three are residents of Salisbury, Mass., and three, of North Hampton.

This Post is designated “Perkins Post,” in honor of nine comrades of that name from this town, three of whom died in the service. Past Commanders are William E. Lane, William J. Breed, Samuel W. Dearborn, Andrew J. Philbrick; present Commander, John W. Warner.

“Fraternity, Charity, Loyalty” are the broad foundation-stones on which this order rests.

Memorial Day was first publicly observed in Hampton, in 1882. Since the institution of the Post, this anniversary has ever been held sacred to the memory of her sons, who, having served their country in the army or navy have passed away from earth, to live henceforth in the hearts of a grateful people. The town appropriates seventy-five dollars annually, towards the cost for the ceremonies.

Three members of the Post have become citizens of Hampton, since the war, and are not mentioned in the foregoing record of Hampton soldiers. They are as follows:

John S. Gilman, enlisted at Portsmouth, Aug. 19, 1861, in Co. D, Third N.H.; mustered out, Aug. 23, 1864, at Bermuda Hundred, Va.

Samuel P. Sargent, enlisted from Salem, N.H., Nov. 7, 1861, in Co. F, Seventh N.H.; reenlisted, Feb. 28, 1864; mustered out, July 22, 1865.

Samuel T. Emery, enlisted for three years, from Lowell, Mass., May 11, 1861, in Co. A, Second Mass.; discharged, sick, Dec. 19, 1862.

Perkins Relief Corps, No. 46

After the establishment of the Post, soldiers’ wives and sisters and other patriotic women rendered such offices as they were able, informally, for several years; and on the 15th of July, 1887, nineteen charter members became auxiliary as a Relief Corps. Mrs. Arabella S. Dearborn has been President from the beginning, except that in 1891, Mrs. Alfie L. Godfrey was President. The Corps has grown to a total members of fifty-six, of whom one has died.

While this organization responds to the call of soldiers and their families, of the Post to which it is auxiliary, it seeks to reach a helping hand to others also, as opportunity offers.

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