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Rev. William Pidgin’s Ministry, 1796-1807

REV. WILLIAM PIDGIN’S MINISTRY. 1796—1807. The call of the town was communicated to Mr. Pidgin through the medium of the Presbytery. In his answer, after alluding to the magnitude and importance of the work of the christian ministry, and his own insufficiency for it, he turns to the particular field to which he has been invited, and says: “When I reflect, too, that you are not the whole of the Town, but a considerable number is found opposed to the measure — and the degree of uncertainty respecting what may be the result of this disunion, should I accept the call; — and reflect likewise on what might probably be your situation, should you now be left, when affairs have come to the present crisis; — these considerations, when viewed, serve to bring me into a dilemma truly solemn and important. Shall I go forward, or not? is the grand question.” This question Mr. Pidgin decided in the affirmative, by accepting the call. His answer is without date.

The course pursued by the town appeared so objectionable to the church, that they resolved to make one more effort to arrest it, by an appeal to the Presbytery. Accordingly, at the meeting of that body for the ordination of the candidate, a remonstrance was presented, signed by about the same number of persons as the one previously presented to Mr. Pidgin. The Presbytery, however, voted in favor of ordination. The minority of the old church, seceding, constituted the Presbyterian church, of which Mr. Pidgin now became pastor.

The ordination services were performed on the 27th of January, 1796.

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