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Constitution, or Fundamental Rules For The Hampton Proprietary School Corporation — Part I

Article 1st. This Corporation shall hereafter consist of not less than nine nor more than thirteen members, each of whom shall be entitled to one vote and no more on all questions that come before the corporation. All vacancies, as they occur, shall be filled by the remaining members, by election at a legal meeting, and not otherwise. [All property to be held by the members jointly in trust for the institution, as specified in the deed of transfer.]

Article 2nd. [Regulates the time for the annual meeting, which was twice afterwards altered, and at last fixed for the day of the close of the fall term; and also declares “a major part of the members” to constitute a quorum.]

Article 3rd. There shall be chosen annually a President, Secretary, Treasurer and Executive Committee; [but the preceptor shall not be chosen President, nor shall any member hold the offices of Secretary and Treasurer at the same time.]

Articles 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th. [Define the duties of the officers; which are substantially in accordance with general usage.]

Articles 8th, 10th. [Relate to the appointment and dismissal of instructors.]

Article 9th. No person shall be chosen a principal instructor, unless he sustain a christian character, and be a man of exemplary manners, of good mental abilities and literary acquirements, and of good acquaintance with human nature, of a natural aptitude for instruction and government; and in the appointment of any instructor, regard shall be had to qualifications only, without preference of kindred or friend, place of birth, education or residence.

Articles 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th. [Show the mutual relations of corporation, teachers and pupils.]

Article 15th. There shall be taught in this Seminary the English, Latin and Greek Languages, Writing, Arithmetic, Music and Arts of Speaking; also practical Geometry, Logic, Geography, and any of the liberal Arts and Sciences or Languages, as opportunity and ability may hereafter admit, and as the corporation shall direct. But it is to be ever considered by the corporation and all connected with this Seminary, that these branches of learning are to be prosecuted as subservient to the promotion of true piety and virtue.

It is therefore expected, that the assiduous attention of the preceptor will be paid to the disposition of the mind and morals of the youth under his charge; and that he will consider it his duty, as the ages and capacities of the scholars will admit, not only to instruct and establish them in the truth of Christianity, but also, early and diligently to inculcate upon them the great and important Scripture doctrines of the existence of one true God, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost; of the fall of man, the depravity of human nature, the necessity of an atonement, and of our being renewed in the spirit of our minds; the doctrines of repentance towards God and of faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ; of sanctification by the Holy Spirit, and of justification by the grace of God through the redemption that is in Jesus Christ; together with the other important doctrines and duties of our Holy Christian Religion.

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