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Vessels Owned By Other Hampton Men

Schooner, Sarah, built by Maj. John Lovering, near the tide mill.

Schooner, Angola, owned by Elisha Johnson.

Schooner, Ruth, built by Benjamin and James Perkins.

Schooner, Cadet, built by Oliver Nudd and Thomas Leavitt.

Schooner, General Grant, built by John A. Nudd, Nathaniel Johnson, Edwin J. Hobbs and Charles T. Lamprey.

Sloop, Franklin, owned by Oliver Nudd and Thomas Leavitt.

Schooner, Jefferson, owned by Dearborn and Benjamin Shaw, for fishing and freighting.

Schooner, Eclipse, owned by David and Ira Page.

Schooner, Tyro, owned by David and Irs Page.

Schooner, Castle Rock, owned by George Lane and J. Warren Perkins.

Schooner, Minnie Chase, owned by Charles T. Lamprey and John C. Palmer, carried wood.

Schooner, Volant, owned by Adna B. Lane.

Smaller fishing vessels and pleasure yachts have been owned by Hampton men, for local use.

Nudd’s Canal

The distance from the Landing to the junction of Taylor’s and Brown’s rivers, towards the sea, following the tortuous course of the former, is about two and one half miles, while a straight cut between those two points is but little more than one half mile. About the year 1823, David Nudd organized a company, incorporated under the name of “The Proprietors of Hampton Canal,” to make and maintain such a cut, he himself having a controlling interest. After the surface had been removed by spading, a dredging machine, which is described as “capstan-like, ten feet long, with two sets of bars,” was dragged up and down, and the earth thus loosened thrown out, till enough water was let in to insure the deepening of itself, by the action of the tide. The master-workman, named Hinckley, lived in the house now owned by the heirs of John Brown (Irish). The cost of the work is said to have been a hogshead of rum.

Nudd’s canal, so called, which, at high water, is deep and wide enough to float to the Landing any vessel that comes into Hampton river, is invaluable, especially to the marsh-owners, for whose use gondolas have ever been kept, to bring the hay up to the Landing.

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