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The next step-despite the instructions from the Lords of Trade, and the fears of the governor about publishing the order of the council to continue a former tax–was to issue warrants to the constables of the several towns, to collect the taxes. Will the people quietly submit to pay taxes so illegally ordered? We shall see. The constable called upon the inhabitants agreeably to their warrants; but so few responded to the call, that they soon reported to the governor and council, that the people refused to pay.

Special instructions were then given to the constables in regard to their method of procedure. A warrant was issued September 15, to Nathaniel Batchelder, the constable of Hampton, setting forth that it had been proved by said Batchelder’s oath before his majesty’s justices of the peace for New Hampshire, that several persons had refused and still continued to refuse “to pay their respective rates, being the king’s rate, continued by virtue of his majesty’s royal commission, bearing date the 9th of May, 1682.” The constable was then empowered and required immediately upon receiving the warrant, “to levy all and every the respective rates of every person so refusing, by distress and sale of the offender’s goods and chattels.”

But there was one person here–probably there were others also–designated by name, against whom the constable was ordered to proceed. This was Henry Dow, who before Cranfield’s administration, had been marshal of the province. The warrant, in this case, was signed by Walter Barefoote, Richard Chamberlain and James Sherlock, justices of the peace and members of the council. After stating said Henry Dow’s refusal to pay his tax, the warrant to the constable proceeds: “These are therefore in his majesty’s name to require you forthwith to apprehend the body of the said Henry Dow, and convey him to the prison at Great Island, if he do not immediately discover some part of his estate to satisfy the said rate; and the prison keeper is hereby required him to recieve and safely keep, till he shall pay the said rate, or give security so to do, according to an of this province made the 14th of November, 1682; and this shall be your sufficient warrant. Hereof fail not, as you will answer the contrary at your peril. Given under our hands and seals at Great Island, the first day of September, in the 36th year of the reign of our sovereign Lord Charles ye second, king of England, &c, Annque Dmmi, 1684.”

Whether Mr. Dow “discovered some part of his estate to satisfy this rate,” or “gave security,” or was imprisoned, cannot now be ascertained, but his tax was not paid till more than four months afterward, as appears from the original receipt, dated January 20, 1684 [-5], and signed by James Sherlock.

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