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When it became evident to the governor and council, that the constables, either could not, or would not, collect the odious tax, some of them were fined; and Thomas Thurton, the provost-marshal, was ordered to take charge of the collection, both of the taxes and the fines.

One of the delinquent constables was John Foulsham, of Exeter, who at the Quarter Sessions in November, 1684, was fined 50s. for neglecting the duties of his office. A few weeks afterward, Monday, December 29, the provost-marshal, attended by John Mason, of Hampton, a deputy marshal, went to Exeter for the purpose of demanding this fine. The treatment they recieved will serve to show the feeling then existing among the people, although it was, in most cases, kept under restraint. Thurton, on his way to Exeter, passed through Hampton. From this place, he and his deputy, both wearing swords, were followed by ten or twelve Hampton men, all on horseback, and armed with clubs, who, according to the marshal’s account, pushed, and otherwise maltreated both him and his deputy. On their arrival at Exeter, other persons–and not a few, including Mr. Cotton, the minister–joined with those from Hampton, in harassing the officers. While the latter were at the house of a widow Sewall, to refresh themselves and their horses, they were treated with much contempt, being thrust about and repeatedly called rogues. The bridles were taken from their horses, and the horses turned loose. When they went in search of them, the same company followed, and one of them struck the marshal several blows with a club, stunning and bruising him.

When the marshal and his deputy met Foulsham–whether before or after the occurrences just mentioned, does not appear–he bade them beware of levying at his house, if they would avoid a red-hot spit and scalding water, telling them, that he should not regard a warrant from the governor and council, nor from any of the justices of the peace. Foulsham had also spirited coädjutors. Even the women warned the officers against calling for rates, as they had boiling water on hand, and, in some instances, had kept it constantly over the fire for two days, ready to give him a warmer reception than would be agreeable to him.

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