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Besides these troubles with the governor, the people were in a state of constant anxiety, on account of Indian hostilities; and though we find no record of acts of violence in Hampton at this this time, yet it is reasonably certain that great vigilance was required, and probably some losses were sustained.

In March, 1784, the council petitioned Governor Cranfield to confer with the governor of New York, for the employment of Seneca and Mohawk Indians “who are best acquainted with the manner of these Indians’ skulking fight,”because, as they state in a letter to the New York governor, on Cranfield ‘s acquiescescence, “By several advices we have received of a sudden rising intended by the Indians in these eastern parts, to fall upon the English, we judged it absolutely necessary”–etc.

Another letter, addressed to Captain Barefoot, by Captain Hooke, of Kittery, August 13, 1685, says: “This is to inform you that just now there came to me a post, wherein I am fully informed that there is just ground to fear that the heathen have a sudden design against us.” [N.H. Hist. Soc. Coll.,VIII: 251-2, 255.]

On the 8th of September, articles of peace were concluded with the Eastern Indians; but the peace, if observed at all, was of short continuance, for scarcely four years elapsed, before the breaking out of “King William’s War.”

That danger was apprehended in Hampton is evident from the action of the town in April, 1687. After the election of selectmen, it was ordered by the town, that they should build a convenient watch-house, as required by law, and set it where the old one stood; and provide bullets, match, flints and whatever else the law directed, as a town stock for the soldiers. To meet the expenses, a tax not exceeding £10 was to be assessed upon the inhabitants.

In the summer of 1687, a regulation was made, that whenever, after that date, a legal town meeting should be called, if any freeholder should fail to attend, he should be fined 12d.,to be paid to the town in every case, unless “necessary hindered by God’s hand of providence.” A similar regulation, it may be recollected, had been made in 1639 and in 1641.


On account of the difficulty of raising money to pay all the taxes necessary for the support of government, and for town and ministerial purposes, it was allowed that a considerable portion of the various taxes should be paid in other articles than money. Some instances have already been mentioned. Another is brought to our notice by a vote passed at a meeting on the 12th of June, 1689. A bounty had been offered for each wolf killed in the town, and it appears that this bounty was to be paid, by the inhabitants severally furnishing their quota of corn,to make up the amount required. The vote was as follows: “That the constable, James Johnson, shall pay to those men that have killed the wolues the last yeare what thay haue not received already out of the corne that is in his hands, which was gathered of the inhabitants for that end.”
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