By D. Fisher

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Exeter is a half shire town of Rockingham county, situated at the falls of Exeter River, at the head of tide-water navigation. It contains about 4,500 people and is an important station on the Boston & Maine railroad, fifty miles from Boston and about the same distance from Portland.


One of 4 snowplows

It contains a new and commodious court-house, and also a large and fine building erected for the accommodation of the judge and the register of probate. It was especially fitted to contain the public records, which have become of very great importance.

There is a large town hall, an opera house, one daily and two weekly newspapers, a large and wealthy banking-house, a savings bank, an extensive shoe factory, a large cotton factory, two machine shops, a large box factory, and large and attractive stores of all kinds. Of churches, there are seven, besides several religious societies.

The town is noted for the number of old and stately residences, dating back to colonial days, which it contains, and for the number and beauty of its shade trees. The story of its first settlement and its early history is very interesting.

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