By D. Fisher — 1900

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Hampton And The Quakers

Hampton early had her share of trouble with the Quakers, which finally culminated in December, 1662, when Anne Colman, Mary Tomkins, and Alice Ambrose were formally received from the constable of Dover by the constable of Hampton, tied to the cart’s tail, and each received ten lashes on the bare back. They were then as formally delivered to the constable of Salisbury where the same sentence was again to be executed upon the unfortunate women.
“Then on they passed in the waning day
Through Seabrook woods, a weariful way;
By great salt meadows, and sand hills bare,
And glimpses of blue sea here and there,”

to Salisbury church, where

“With shame in his eye and wrath on his lip
The Salisbury constble dropped his whip.
‘This warrant means murder foul and red,
Cursed is he who serves it,’ he said.”

“‘Show me the order and meanwhile strike
A blow at your peril,’ said Justice Pike.”

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“He read the warrant: ‘These convey
From our precincts; at every town on the way
Give each ten lashes.’
“God judge the brute,
I tread his order under my foot.”

“‘Cut loose these poor ones and let them go.
Come what will of it, all men shall know
No warrant is good, though backed by the crown,
For whipping women in Salisbury town.'”

And so, if we may believe the Quaker poet, these three women that were whipped in Hampton were not whipped in Salisbury nor any of the seven other towns where they were to be so punished.

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