
By D. Fisher

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Concord, N.H.
Rumford Printing Company
Engravers and Printers — 1900

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  • Chapter 1 Historic New Hampshire

    Its area. Early settled. The Towns that formed it. Its influence in history. Its beauty and accessibility.
  • Chapter 2 Exeter

  • Chaper 3 First Settlement of Exeter

    How and why settled. Rev. John Wheelwright. Why he went to Wells, ME. Rev. Samuel Dudley. Division in the First church. Rev. Samuel Rogers. Exeter as the state capital. Schools.
  • Chapter 4 Places of Interest in Exeter

  • Chapter 5 Along the Road to Hampton

    Miles of beautiful farm scenery. Ass brook. Bride’s Hill. Colonial farms and farmhouses.
  • Chapter 6 Hampton

  • Chapter 7 Early Settlement of Hampton

    Rev. Stephen Bachiler. How and why he came to Hampton. Wheelwright in Hampton. Hampton as a witch town. Hampton and the Quakers
  • Chapter 8 Hampton And The Quakers

  • Chapter 9 Whittier’s

  • Chapter 10 From Whittier’s To The Beach

    The Toppan House. Meeting-house Green. The first cemetery. The “Cow Common.” The “great ox common.” Great Boar’s Head. The first hotels. Hampton Beach. How divided. Beautiful South beach. How Whittier sang of it.
  • Chapter 11 Great Boar’s Head

  • Chapter 12 Whittier’s to Amesbury

    Hampton Falls. Its monument and old hotels. Where Whittier died. Seabrook Centre and its curiosity shop. Smithtown. Salisbury Plains in Amesbury.
  • Chapter 13 The City Of Amesbury

    How settled. As a witch town. The Bagley well. The Macey house. Where Whittier lived. From the top of “Po Hill.”
  • Chapter 14 The Witches Still Live and Run the Broomstick train

  • Chapter 15 Effect of the Railway on the Country

  • Chapter 16 Effect of the Railway on the Beach

  • Chapter 17 The Railway and the Plant

    Headquarters offices. The power station and plant. The car barn. The repair shop. The rolling stock and general equipment. Superintendent and employees.

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