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By Liz Premo, Atlantic News Staff Writer

Atlantic News, Friday, June 30, 2006

[The following article is courtesy of Atlantic News]

HAMPTON — Citing his desire to put his faith and family first, as well as voicing his frustration with what he called “a noisy minority [with] self-serving interests,” Hampton Town Manager James Barrington has announced his resignation, effective August 25.

The announcement came at the top of Monday night’s selectmen’s meeting. Barrington’s date of departure reflects the required 60-day notification period consistent with his contract.

Barrington, who began his tenure as town manager in November of 1996, asserted that “we have accomplished much good together.”

However, he admitted he no longer has the desire to serve in his current position, citing “recent trends” coming into focus which he labeled “disturbing.”

On a more upbeat note, though, Barrington said “I wish nothing but the best to Hampton and its citizens.”

He took time to acknowledge “the finest department heads I have ever known,” as well as his “many friends and associates in town and across the state.”

He directed particular gratitude toward several associates by name, including former Administrative Assistant Karen Anderson, Town Attorney Mark Gearreald, and former Financial Director Dawna Duhamel.

Ultimately, it was his closest personal relationships which seemed to be the driving force behind Barrington’s decision.

“My family and my God are the most important things in my life,” he said, “and it’s time to put them first where they belong.”

Well-wishes immediately came from around the selectmen’s table. Admitting he was “taken aback” by the news, Selectmen Bill Lally said Barrington had “treated everybody with respect” and thanked him “for your years of service.”

Referencing to both their personal and professional relationships, Selectman Jim Workman told Barrington, “You’ll be sorely missed.”

“It’s been a pleasure,” said Selectman Chairman Virginia Bridle-Russell, adding that Barrington had exhibited “honesty and integrity,” something she said is not always found in town officials.

In an e-mail sent to the Atlantic News, Barrington said he and his wife will be moving back to Texas where they plan to change careers. “Ultimately,” he wrote, “it is our spiritual life that we are seeking to refresh, and believing that God is in control, we are looking forward optimistically to new paths for our lives.”

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