1872 – 1941

1871 – 1947


In the 1930’s two local gentlemen named William Cram wrote columns for the Hampton Union under the byline “Little Stories of Old New England”. Not all of these pertained to Hampton, but those that do will eventually be reprinted here. The author of most of these columns was William Dow Cram (1872-1941), a longtime newspaperman from Haverhill who resided in Hampton for a time in the thirties and wrote stories of old time Hampton and Hampton Beach, gathering much of his information directly from Hampton Beach pioneers or their immediate families. William Everett Cram (1871-1947), was a lifelong resident of Hampton Falls and brother of Ralph Adams Cram, the well-known architect. William Everett Cram also wrote other columns of historical interest that weren’t under the usual byline, some of which are also reproduced here.

The two Williams Cram were related only in that they both descend from the original immigrant John Cram, who was one of the original settlers of Exeter in 1639, moving to Hampton in 1650. William Dow Cram was born in Haverhill, Mass., Nov. 9, 1872 and died there Aug. 11, 1941. His descent from the immigrant John Cram comes through his son Thomas, then John, Benjamin, Nathan, Samuel and Alonzo. William Everett Cram was born in Hampton Falls June 27, 1871 and died there July 8, 1947. His descent goes through John the immigrant, then Benjamin, John, Jonathan, Nehemiah, Jonathan, Joseph, and William. Despite the fact that they lived in neighboring towns, were born only 16 months apart, and wrote for the same column in the same paper, they were related only as sixth cousins, once removed.

The William Tell
The story of one of Hampton’s old shipwrecks, by William D. Cram, October 21, 1937.
Earthquake in New England
The story of the great earthquake of 1727, by William D. Cram, November 4, 1937.
Thorvald’s Grave
by William D. Cram, December 2, 1937.
Shipwrecks and coast watching
By William D. Cram, December 30, 1937.
Indian Blood
by William Everett Cram, January 6, 1938.
A History of Beckman’s Point and White Rocks Island
by William D. Cram, January 13, 1938.
Down River
Recollections of fishing and hunting at Hampton Beach by William Everett Cram, February 10, 1938.
The Legendary Hero of Hampton: General Jonathan Moulton
An account of the legend of General Moulton and the devil by William D. Cram, February 17, 1938
Justice for Goody Cole
by William D. Cram, March 10, 1938.
Hampton Fisherman Finds Anchor-Chain Of A Lost Schooner
by William D. Cram, March 10, 1938.
Great Boar’s Head
by William D. Cram, April 21, 1938.
The Great Blizzard of 1717
by William D. Cram, December 1, 1938.