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Hampton Union and The Rockingham County Gazette

Thursday, June 20, 1963

THE EAST END SCHOOL PARK was officially dedicated during brief but impressive ceremonies last Friday afernoon, June 14, 1963. Girl Scouts of local troop attended by Leaders Croteau and Whitcomb are shown about to raise the flag for the first time on the specially constructed flagpole. Ruth Bragg of the Monday club, who sponsored the program, is shown in the background with Rev. Howard Danner, William Barwick and Miss Brennan, all of whom took part in the exercise.

On June 14, the Hampton Monday club and other members of the community dedicated a flag and flagpole at the East End School Park (junction of Locke Road and Winnacunnet Road).

Through the efforts of Monday club president, Mrs. Roland Bragg and club members, an article was passed at the last town meeting to maintain what was formerly the East End school lot as a park.

Congress adopted the stars and stripes as our National Emblem June 14 (Flag Day), 1777, so this date was chosen by the Monday club for the dedication.

Mrs. Bragg opened the ceremony saying, “The flag is a living thing, it is a precious symbol and one of the things that has been dearest to our hearts in our native land. Our stars and stripes represent ideals of liberty and justice. The founders of our country believed in God and our confirmed belief in God is what has made this country great.”

Reverend Howard Danner gave the invocation. Elizabeth Brennan recited the poem, “Our Flag”.

The Pledge of Allegiance was repeated as a color guard consisting of Girl Scouts raised the flag. They were Jacki Whitcomb, Terri Parizo and Caren Croteau. Scout leaders, Mrs. June Whitcomb and Mrs. Botts Croteau were also in attendance. William Barwick played the Call to Colors on the trumpet.

As president of the Monday club, Mrs. Bragg expressed her appreciation to those participating in the dedication and to Mrs. Roger Blake for the use of her flag, Brown Brothers Plumbing company and William White for the pole and welding, the Hampton Fire department for painting and raising the pole and to Chief Perley George, Eugene Melson, Roland Bragg and Charles Burlington.

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