Chapter 14 Photographs

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Public Works

Highways, Sewers, and Rubbish Collection

(Note: Page numbers are from Mr. Randall’s book.)

Page 484: Bridge over the Taylor River, Lafayette Road. From “Old Hampton in New Hampshire” by Newton Marshall Hall, New England Magazine, July 1896. Courtesy Wayne P. Breyer.

Page 484: Winter view along Lafayette Road with the Toppan Farm at left, the Hotel Whittier at right, ca. 1890. Courtesy MHGMHA.

Page 487: Horse-drawn snowplow beside the Hotel Whittier. Photograph by Mary Toppan Clark, 1897 to early 1900s. Courtesy Wilma Toppan White.

Page 489: Bernice Glidden Palmer and grandmother Anna Victoria, shown on left. Bernice was the first woman to drive a car in Hampton, 1915. Courtesy Ansell Palmer.

Page 492: The General Moulton House before it was moved to its present location. Courtesy Janet Fitzgerald.

Page 492: “Miss Hampton”, the first town snowplow, 1925. Courtesy Alzena Elliot.

Page 500: The original Hampton toll station [Interstate 95], 1948. Courtesy Glyn Eastman.

Page 505: Hampton’s first sewage treatment plant. Courtesy Leavitt Magrath.

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