Chapter 4 Photographs

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Seawalls, Highways, Condos, Liquor, and Leased Land

(Note: Page numbers are from Mr. Randall’s book.)

Page 226: North Beach just north of Boar’s Head showing the town’s breakwater, the location of the “Logs.” Courtesy Jewell Brown.

Page 226: Ocean Boulevard, north of Boar’s Head, about 1950, and before the sheet-metal seawall was built in the mid-1950s. Courtesy Arthur Moody.

Page 231: Building the seawall along the main beach, 1955. Courtesy Arthur Moody.

Page 231: Dumping dredge spoils on the main beach, 1950s. Hotels Cavalier and Allen, once Cutler’s, are at left. Courtesy Donald Ring.

Page 232: Miss Hampton Beach contest, outside on the old bandstand, ca. 1956. Courtesy Alzena Elliot.

Page 232: The Sea Shell and Chamber of Commerce building soon after construction in the 1960s. Courtesy Alzena Elliot.

Social Life: The Beach in Transition

Page 236: A harmonious quintet, from right, publisher Edward Seavey, Jr., Precinct Commissioner Ralph Harris, Bill Elliot, State Senator Douglass Hunter, and ?. Courtesy Alzena Elliot.

Page 239: Rocky Bend, built on the site of the Dance Carnival. Courtesy Janet Fitzgerald.

Page 239: Howard (Woody) Woodward and “Wimpy”, the famous talking dummy at Woody’s Restaurant, the Hotel Cavalier, the original Cutler Cafe. Courtesy Howard Woodward.

Page 240: Aerial view of the Casino, after its third remodeling, 1950s. Courtesy Janet Fitzgerald.

Page 240: Vice-presidential nominee Richard Nixon speaks at Hampton Beach, August 20, 1952. Photograph by E. Harold Young. Courtesy Charles Brereton.

Page 243: High water at the foot of High Street, 1930s. The large building at left is the Taybury Arms. Courtesy Gertrude Palmer.

Page 243: The junction of High Street and Ocean Boulevard, showing the Coast Guard station, the Spindrift Motel (the former Taybury Arms), and, at right, the former Leavitt Homestead, now the Windjammer Motel, 1961. Courtesy Arthur Moody.

Page 244: Hampton Beach in the 1980s, still fun for young and old. Peter E. Randall photograph.

Page 244: Hampton Beach in the 1980s, still fun for young and old. Peter E. Randall photograph.

Page 246: Bill Elliot receives the first Chamber of Commerce “Bill Elliot Man of the Year Award,” from John Dineen, 1980. Courtesy Alzena Elliot.

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