Chapter 6 Photographs

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Shipwrecks and Life-Saving

(Note: Page numbers are from Mr. Randall’s book. )

Page 292: The wreck of the Glendon. Courtesy MHGMHA.

Page 292: The Leavitt Homestead at North Beach with the Bushway Grill at right and the Coast Guard station and the small bathhouses in the foreground, all at the junction of Ocean Boulevard and High Street, 1929. Courtesy MHGMHA.

Page 297: The key to rescuing sailors was to haul a gun to a point where a line could be fired to the ship. Sailors on board the stricken ship would attach the line to the mast and rig up the breeches buoy in order to make their way to shore over the waves. Courtesy Alzena Elliot.

Page 297: The Life-saving Station crew at North Beach regularly conducted the gun drill. Courtesy Ansell Palmer.

Page 298: Breeches buoy practice at the Life-saving Station at North Beach. Courtesy Alzena Elliot.

Page 298: Life-saving boat, Hampton Beach station. Courtesy Arthur Moody.

Page 300: The wreck of the schooner Mary Brown beside Ocean Boulevard. Courtesy James Dolph.

Page 300: Crew of the Coast Guard station, 1920s. Front, from left, Wallace Mullin, Jasper Myers, officer in charge, Mickey the mascot, George Lamott, Sr., Tom Searles, and Charles Hunkings. Rear, Edward Blake and two unknown men. Courtesy MHGMHA.

Page 302: Thanksgiving dinner in 1905, Life-saving Station, possibly Hampton Beach. Courtesy Arthur Moody

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