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Hampton Union, Thursday, March 6, 1958

[The following article is courtesy of the Hampton Union.]

GUEST SPEAKER at the regular meeting of the Hampton Monday Club, Mrs. Rachel Sanborn explained the use of the New Hampshire State Bookmobile for members of the club, Mrs. James Tucker, left, introduced Mrs. Sanborn to club president, Mrs. Robert Simons. [Staff Photo]

The regular meeting of the Hampton Monday Club was held at the Methodist Church March 3 with an exceptionally good attendance.

During the social hour which preceded the business meeting, the members and guests enjoyed a delicious assortment of homemade cookies and pastry. Hostess chairman was Lena Emery, Ruth Merrill and Julia Dewey poured. Others assisting were Carrie Hackett, Polly Langley, Eva Wood and Beatrice Mason.

Mrs. Robert Simons, president, opened the meeting and Marion Tucker gave a resume of her scrapbook project an entry in Community Achievement contest.

The main speaker of the afternoon was Mrs. Rachel Sanborn of Epping, a representative of the N.H. State Library. She gave a complete detail of its function including the service of the Traveling Library.

Voting delegates to General Federation of Women’s Clubs convention in Detroit, appointed by President Simons, were Mrs. Lawrence Hackett and Mrs. Donald Ring.

Plans are now under way for the Monday Club to sponsor an art exhibit the latter part of April. More information and details on this will be announced later.

The next meeting plans will be announced, members are asked to watch this newspaper for the announcement.

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