Hampton News

The many friends of Charles White will be pained to learn of his critical illness at the Exeter hospital. Mr. White was taken about a week ago with pneumonia, and realizing his serious condition was immediately taken to the hospital where all that medical assistance can do is being done in his behalf. But we understand at this hour, Wednesday afternoon, he can live but a few hours.

Mr. and Mrs. Myron Norton are rejoicing in the birth of a daughter, Eleanor Mae, born June 12.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kierstead have the congratulations of their friends on the safe arrival of a little girl June 17.

Our village blacksmith, Nelson Norton is again able to be at his shop which gives joy to his many patrons and friends.

The Exeter Hospital Tag Day contributions from Hampton resulted in the gratifying sum of $115.19.

The sad news is given out of the death early this morning of Miss Myrtle Robert at the home of the parents.

Hubbard F. Goodwin, Yale ’19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Goodwin of West Haven, Conn., and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hobbs, has passed all his examinations and entered the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md., as a midshipman.

Mrs. Leonora B. Wing was a visitor over the 17th at her grandfather’s, Otis H. Marston.

One of the busiest men in town is Rev. Robert Thompson, who works early and late farming, besides looking after two parishes.

Mrs. Frances Blanchard has been confined lately with the prevailing cold and cough.

Miss Hazel Leavitt is at home for the summer, but the young people will be scarce this summer, so many are away for various reasons.

Mrs. Hugh Brown has been in Kensington visiting her sister, Mrs. J. W. York, for two days.

The W. C. T. U. will be held at the Advent chapel on Friday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock.

The Rev. J. L. Lewis, State Liquor Agent, was in town Saturday looking over the situation. There are some who still think that they can go on selling liquor, but it is understood that for once the laws will be enforced. Chief of Police Tolman has all the authority he needs back of him, and is expected to enforce the laws.

Herbert Whidden has been confined to his home with illness for a few days.

Mrs. Minerva Smith has been in town the past week, calling upon many old friends.

At a meeting of the board of trade at Hampton Beach last Saturday evening the following officers were elected: President, J. Frank James; first vice president, C. G. Mitchell; second vice president, Howell M. Lamprey; secretary and treasurer, A. H. Nutting; directors, J. Frank James, George Ashworth, John A. Janvrin, Herbert L. Tobey, Lewis Perkins. Another meeting will be held next Saturday evening at which important matters will be discussed.

The twelfth meeting of the Hampton Academy Alumni Association was held at the Hampton Beach Casino on Monday with a good audience.

The day was fine and enjoyed by all. Dinner was served soon after one o’clock. Grace was said by Rev. J. A. Ross. No meat was served, but fish, clams and lobsters furnished a most delicious dinner, for which later a vote of thanks was given to the host Mr. Frank E. Nason, who always does everything in his power for the comfort of his guests. After dinner the meeting was held in an upper hall. It was called to order by President Howard G. Lane. A nominating committee, consisting of Mr. Thomas Perkins, Mrs. Frances James Perkins, and Mrs. Annie M. True was appointed to bring in names for officers for the coming year, which resulted in the election of the following: President, Howard G. Lane; vice president, Chester N. Godfrey; secretary, Thelma Shaw; treasurer, Miss Grace Ring. Mrs. Lucy A. Marston, who has held the position of secretary since the formation of the association, declined to serve any longer, and she was given a vote of thanks.

Business relating to the playground purchased by the Alumni was transacted and then Mr. Lane introduced Prof. W. C. O’Kane, who is a member of the Food Commission, as the speaker of the day. He is a man who is thoroughly alive to the food situation and gave much information in a very pleasing manner. The meeting was closed by singing America.

W.S.S. Meeting:

On Monday evening a public meeting was held in the town hall in the interests of the sale of the Government War Savings Certificates and was attended by a fair sized audience, but not as large as the importance of the subject demanded.

The meeting was called to order by Herbert L. Tobey, chairman of the local Public Safety Committee.

Dr. Black of Concord, who spoke before a Hampton audience about a year ago, was the first speaker. He was most eloquent in the presentation of the religious reasons for a complete victory in this war and the sacrifice of all we possess, if need be. The address made a profound impression on his audience and will go a long way in sustaining our faith in the cause and helping us to pour our treasure without limit.

Dr. Black was followed by Prof. J. A. Tufts of Exeter, chairman of the County Committee who made very clear the value of the investment in these War Savings Certificates, and the simple method of procuring them. Ernest G. Cole, chairman of the local W.S.S. Committee, spoke briefly, and just before the close of the meeting Mr. Tobey announced that on the evening of June 28 there would be a town meeting, called by the Selectmen in accordance with the President’s proclamation and presided over by the town moderator, at which the results of the drive would be announced, and if any deficit existed to be made up at this meeting.

The meeting was opened with prayer by the Rev. F.L. Long, and music was furnished by Mrs. Sprague’s orchestra and by the Hampton Academy Glee Club.

W.S.S. Canvass:

At a War Savings Committee meeting held Tuesday evening it was voted to divide the town into districts for a house to house canvass for the soliciting of pledges for the purchase of War Savings Stamps, this canvass to be made during the week in which occurs June 28.

It is hoped that as many as possible will before that time call at either the office of Chairman E.G. Cole or that of Mr. Tobey or on any member of the committee and deliver their pledges. This will relieve the committee of much labor during the last or intensive week of the campaign. The purchase of these certificates is not a gift but a loan to the Government with the best security on earth, at high grade investment. Our quota MUST be raised.

The following is a list of the members of the committee: Ernest G. Cole, chairman; Lewis Perkins, H. L. Tobey, H. G. Lane, C. S. Toppan, E. L. Batchelder, Warren H. Hobbs, Edgar Warren, George Ashworth, Fred E. Sanborn, Mrs. Sarah E. Lane of the Woman’s National Defense Com.

Not often has fallen to us the privilege of witnessing a social occasion of so virile a nature — an occasion in which deep-rooted, sincere, earnest, honest regret is commingled with a spirit, beautiful, unobtrusive, silent, yet nonetheless all-pervading and magnanimously triumphant — as was that of last Saturday evening, when some two hundred or more citizens of Hampton, friends and well-wishers of the Rev. and Mrs. Wallace H. Sterns, gathered together in the Congregational Webster Chapel to bid them God-speed on their long journey to a new vineyard, and to wish them the highest success in their labors there.

Rev. Mr. Stearns has been pastor of the Congregational church for several years, but resigned to take up a larger and more responsible pastorate in North Dakota.

As the pastor and his wife, who was Miss Josephine Joplin, daughter of Judge Joplin, and born and educated in Hampton, a popular and talented young lady, were to leave for the West Monday evening, Saturday night was made the occasion not only for the saying of good-byes, but an opportunity as well of affording some material assistance in meeting the recent increase in railroad fares, and before the evening was over Mr. and Mrs. Sterns were the recipients of about $120 in gold.

It was not all presented at once.

Rev. Edgar Warren was chosen to present $50 to Mr. Sterns, which was done in an exceedingly felicitous manner and in a way to convince the recipient that the last word had been said and the last golden dollar placed in his palm; then Mr. Perkins, waiting only for the pastor’s response, which, by the way, was one of the prettiest and brightest speeches for this particular occasion we ever heard. He presented Mrs. Sterns with six $5 gold coins one at a time as if each was the sole object of the presentation, and as each of these was brought forth by Mr. Perkins he announced the name of the donor. The first was from “Aunt” Rebecca Leavitt, another from Mrs. Whittier, one from Mrs. Warren Batchelder, one from Mr. and Mrs. Parker Blake, and one from a person unannounced. With the six presented Mr. Perkins turned away and Mrs. Sterns was about to reply as calmly as she might when Mr. Perkins returned and put in her hand the remainder of the gold. The picture of surprise was then complete.

Other gold pieces were presented to the two sons of Mr. Sterns, among which were two gold dollars given by Mrs. Clara Poor Philbrick in behalf of her mother who had possessed them nearly sixty years. Refreshments of ice cream and cake was then served and after a song or two the party broke up.

On Monday evening when the 5:14 train took Mr. and Mrs. Sterns and family on the first stage of their journey, about 75 of their friends gathered to say good-bye.