Hampton News

Much interest has been shown in the many articles which Rupert Lindsey brought home from the war. Even the little children go to see them. Friday evening, Dec. 27, there will be an opportunity for all to see this exhibit at the Congregational chapel. Rupert is a good specimen of how our boys were taken care of while “over there”. He, like others, have had experiences of which they will not care to remember.

Miss Bernice Godfrey has been ill with grippe for a few days.

A very pleasant Christmas party was held at H. G. Lane’s on Wednesday evening. There were recitations, singing by Mrs. Long, accompanied by Miss Eloise Lane, and a tree for all.

Mrs. Elsie Godfrey was able to ride out this week, being the first time since cold weather came.

Harold Keene, Victor Garland and Walter Tarlton were among the boys in service who were at home for the Christmas festivities. Warren Godfrey was also home, having been discharged from service.

Mr. and Mrs. D. Asbury Marston and other friends were entertained at his son’s, Irving Marston, on Christmas day.

Mr. and Mrs. Long are entertaining over Christmas Mrs. Long’s father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis; also a sister, brother and his wife.

Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Lane and daughter Eloise attended church in Boston Sunday morning and heard “The Messiah” given in Symphony hall on Sunday afternoon.

At the request of the hospitality Committee of Community Service at Portsmouth, arrangements were made through the chairmen of the Woman’s council in each of the surrounding towns to entertain at dinner on Christmas, Sunday or New Year’s day about 140 marines. The ladies entertaining in town on Sunday and New Year’s are: Mrs. Mary Donnell, Mrs. Mary Noyes, Mrs. Addie Brown, Mrs. Fannie Gynan, Mrs. Sarah Lane, and Mrs. Annie True.

The Community Christmas Tree was erected and lighted on Tuesday evening and attracted much attention sending out its beautiful colored rays on that rainy night.

Dance in the town hall, Hampton, Tuesday evening, Dec. 31. Come and dance the old year out and the new year in. Special music from Newburyport. Tickets, 75 cents per couple. Unaccompanied ladies, 25 cents.

Bride Hill on the Hampton-Exeter line, has lost its chief glory, the Bridal Elm, which has been a landmark since the settlement of the two towns. In its prime it was a tree of exceptional size, symmetry and beauty, but in recent years is has been marred by ice storms and gales, and age had weakened it.

It has now been felled under the direction of Newell S. Tilton. Four feet from the butt the trunk was measured eight feet in diameter and some of its branches had a diameter of three feet or more. Tradition, which, unfortunately, cannot be verified, has it that in the olden times a couple were married beneath the old tree, thus giving it its name.

Through the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Albert K. Church the high school has been presented with a plot of land for the enlargement of the playground.

Mrs. Fred Pomeroy of Minneapolis, Minn., has been a recent guest of Mrs. J. A. Lane.

Mrs. Fred Harrison’s mother, Mrs. Taylor, has come to make a permanent home with Mr. and Mrs. Harrison, on Lafayette road.

Mr. and Mrs. John Bryant spent Christmas with friends in Lynn.

Lawrence Thompson, who has been seriously ill with influenza, is now reported slightly improved.

The friends of Wallace Batchelder are sorry to learn of his serious condition with double pneumonia.

Mrs. Myers and her two daughters, Greta and Hazel, who were all down with influenza at the same time, are well on the road to recovery,

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lane are quietly celebrating two anniversaries that seldom occur so near together in the same month. The 18th was Mr. Lane’s eightieth birthday, the 25th their fiftieth marriage anniversary.

Mr. Lane was born in Hampton, one of three children of Jesse A. and Hannah O. (Marvin) Lane, his mother being a Newcastle woman. Mr. Lane has been a lifelong and highly esteemed citizen. He has repeatedly served on the board of selectmen and was for many years its chairman. He is by trade a highly skilled carpenter and many of the important buildings at the Beach are in part his work. An older brother, George, was long baggage master at the former Eastern Railroad station in Boston. A twin sister, Mrs. Wm. L. Dodge, died at Winchester, Mass., in 1880.

Mrs. Lane was before marriage Mary E. Drake, born in Hampton the daughter of George W. and Abigail D. (Towle) Drake. She is a most estimable woman. The community is again called upon to mourn the loss of still another of our esteemed citizens — Mrs. Sarah Brown, wife of Clarence T. Brown, who died very suddenly on Friday afternoon. Although being in poor health for the past two years, with sclerosis of the arteries, she was able for most of the time to be about the house. The deceased was the twin sister of the Henry W. Emery and the daughter of the late Isaac and Susan Emery, and was born in 1852. Besides a husband, she leaves two children, Edward J. and Mary S. Brown, the latter residing with her parents. Mrs. Brown was a very quiet, modest woman, a splendid wife and mother, a sincere and genuine Christian woman. Funeral services were held from her late home on Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. F. M. Buker, pastor of the Baptist church, of which church Mrs. Brown was a most devoted member.

On the evening of January 15 the people of Hampton and surrounding towns are going to have an opportunity to listen to the greatest musical treat of the season. The Senior class of Hampton Academy has, by good fortune, secured the services of two great musicians, Lieut. Commander Thomas Mott Osborne, pianist, and Mr. Peter Kurtz, violinist.

Lieut.-Com. Osborne, late warden of Sing Sing, and who is now stationed in Portsmouth, needs no introduction to the inhabitants of these neighboring towns. Those who have heard him lecture know how capable he is of entertaining his audience. But few have ever had the opportunity of listening to him as a genius of the piano.

Mr. Peter Kurtz, whose name is rapidly coming into publicity, is an accomplished violinist, having received his education both here and in Europe, and having studied under David Mannes in New York and under Senick (the master of Jan Kubelik) in Vienna. For a number of years he alternated with Mannes as the conductor of the Settlement orchestra, and was the musical director of Richard Mansfield’s production of Peer Gynt. He has also been associated with the Damrosches and other leaders in the musical world.

Lieut. Osborne and Mr. Kurtz have given concerts, both public and private, for over twenty-five years, and have played for many prominent persons, among them President Wilson.

Tickets may be obtained after Jan. 6 from any member of the Senior class at the small sum of fifty cents. Remember the date and place — Jan. 15, Town Hall, Hampton.

The following 19 divorces were granted by Chief Justice Kivel, during the October term of Superior Court:

Sarah L. Hadley, Hampton Falls, from James W.; William G. Piper, Northwood, from Mary E.; Charles H. Chase, Derry, from Blanche A.; Herbert H. Hall, Portsmouth, from Eunice; Rose A. Sargent, Exeter, from Walter; Israel Carter, Londonderry, from Vina A.; Rosa J. Bascom, Newmarket, from Henry; John A. Stanford, Londonderry, from Elizabeth; Joseph Kershaw, Exeter, from Amy B.; Louis A. Paquin, No. Hampton, from Emma R.; Fannie R. Cummins, Derry, from Charles F.; Mabel G. Wasson, Deerfield, from Joseph; Agnes Stewart, Portsmouth, from Clarence R.; Charles Williams, Newton, from Mattie; Joseph Derosier, Auburn, from Pearl; Emma M. Demerritte, Exeter, from Frank; Freeman C. Johnson, Epping, from Jennie M.; Frank Marshall, Seabrook, from Harriet G.; Frank Dudley, Candia, from Annie M.