Hampton News

Communications in regard as to whom is due the credit of the work of improvement in the depot yard are becoming so numerous and seem to be drifting so far from the original idea that it seems best to bring the subject to a close and we have decided to do so with the following summary of the facts.

Mr. Powers’ communication of last week undoubtedly followed the line of actual circumstances. All he said was true and credit given well deserved. Nevertheless there is a little more of less known effort which in justice to the community as a whole should be reviewed.

Mr. Powers’ statement of facts is similar to the visible elements that go to make a loaf of bread. They are the flour, the salt, the milk, the vigorous kneading; but in the perfect loaf there is something more, unseen, subtle, forceful and very necessary that is given through the agency of the yeast. In the present case the leaven of the loaf was the Village Improvement Society where plans were made and means provided for executing them involving projects in various parts of the town. Mrs. Hugh Brown was a leader in this society and it is well known that for years back one of her fondest hopes was to see the beautification of the depot yard. Necessarily, at first her efforts were largely talk, but it was the kind of talk that leavened the loaf when the other ingredients were prepared. It was a valuable contribution.

A part of the work at the depot, at least, was under the direction of the Village Improvement Society and the society paid the expenses of committee to Boston, which, with the cooperation of Mr. Powers and others brought about the union of effort between the town and railroad company.-Ed.

William T. Ross has gone to New York, having received a fine position in his profession.

Mrs. J. W. Nutter entertained a party of friends from this village on Tuesday afternoon.

It is rather discouraging weather for haying. Every cloud seems to drop rain.

Mrs. Celia Lamprey has gone to Brentwood where she is to board for the present.

Mrs. E. D. Berry is still quite ill with a severe cold and cough.

There have been four deaths at the Beach since the season opened. Undertaker Tolman has cared for them all.

The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Lucy A. Marston on Friday of next week. All are cordially invited.

The W. C. T. U. passed resolutions upon the loss of one of its oldest members, Mrs. Mary Leavitt of North Hampton.

It was understood by some that the Rev. Mr. Aiken, who represents the N. H. Bible Society, would be at the Methodist church last Sunday. He is expected this Sunday.

The Methodist church is called upon to raise $60 as their part toward the outfitting of the many ministers of this denomination who are going as U. S. Army chaplains. Rev. John D. Leach of Exeter, who has been waiting long for his call is now detained by recent illness.

Miss Emma Dorcas Shelton of Boston is now in town for the summer.

Friends of Winfield M. Hobbs of Mansfield, Mass., are glad to welcome him in town.

The engagement of Miss Dorothy Stevens of Fitchburg, Mass., who has just resigned as teacher in the primary school, and Mr. Paul Beere of Leominster, Mass., is announced.

A party of about forty citizens of Hampton gathered at the life saving station one evening this week to entertain the members of the Coast Guard. A program consisting of lantern pictures, music, etc., was presented. The men in this service are as much serving their country as those who go across, and are entitled to recognition by the community.

A Rest-Room for Soldiers

Sunday afternoon, July 7th at 3 o’clock, the War Camp Community Service formally opened the Rest-Room for sailors and soldiers at Hampton Beach. Mr. George Ashworth, proprietor of the Ashworth hotel, generously donated the use of the ball-room of The Ashworth for this purpose.

The Hampton committee is composed of the following gentlemen: Mr. George Ashworth, chairman; Mr. L. C. Ring, secretary; Mr. Lewis Perkins; Mr. C. E. Greenman; Mr. F. I. Thompson; Mr. B. E. Redman; Rev. P. J. Scott; Mr. W. J. Bigley; Mr. J. A. Janvrin.

The committee has purchased the furniture, rugs, and other necessary articles for the proper equipment of the room as a Rest Room and Club Room for enlisted men who visit at Hampton Beach.

The exercises were attended by the Committee members, their wives and many invited guests. Mr. Lewis Perkins was in charge of the meeting. Addresses were made by Rev. Father Scott, in charge of St. Patrick’s church at Hampton Beach and also a member of the Committee, and by Bishop Edward Parker, Episcopal Bishop of the diocese of New Hampshire. Music was furnished by the band from the U. S. S. San Diego.

Mr. Perkins gave some account of his recent trip to the Pacific coast and called the attention of the audience to the large number of rest-rooms and club-rooms provided for the comfort of enlisted men throughout the country.

The key-note of the other addresses was to the effect that communities owe their best to the enlisted men and that this Rest-Room has been provided, first, in order that enlisted men visiting Hampton Beach may have a place to which they may go; and, second, that the good people of this vicinity may have an opportunity to entertain enlisted men and to extend to them friendliness and helpfulness.

The Hampton committee had as its guests for the entire day, the band of the U. S. S. San Diego. Automobiles met the members of the band at the Army and Navy Association in Portsmouth in the morning and rode them through Rye, North Hampton to Hampton Beach. They were the guests of Mr. Ashworth for dinner and supper at the Ashworth hotel. They returned by automobile to Portsmouth in the evening.

It is hoped that the enlisted men who visit Hampton Beach will use the room provided for them, for it is equipped with the best of furniture and is entirely in keeping with the rest of the equipment of the Ashworth hotel.