Hampton News

Miss Katherine Cockburn has entered the employ of the Rockingham Printing Co., where she will learn to be a machine operator.

The First and Second Degrees will be conferred on candidates at the first meeting of the Grange in February.

Miss Mary Cleveland has taken a position in the office of the Joseph Breck and Sons Corporation in Boston. On Sunday afternoon she attended Josef Hofmann’s recital and in the evening enjoyed an address given by Dean Nathan R. Wood of Gordon Bible College before the Young People’s Social Club of the First Baptist church.

The news of the death of Mrs. Laura A. Larcom of Beverly came as a great shock to her Hampton friends. Her husband, John H. Larcom, a well known summer resident at Hampton Beach, died the last of November. Despondence over his death, together with physical infirmities, probably caused her death. Mr. and Mrs. Larcom have many relatives and friends here and at the Beach, and will be missed by all. Mrs. Larcom was Laura A. Blake, sister of Orlando Blake.

Mrs. H. G. Lane went to Manchester on Wednesday to attend a meeting of trustees of Mercy Home. On Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Lane will attend the annual meeting of the New Hampton [N.H.] Alumni.

Mrs. Addie B. Brown spent a few days in Kensington this week, visiting her sister, Mrs. York.

The many friends of Mrs. Belle Perkins are glad to hear that she is soon expected home from the hospital.

An appraisal of goods at the haunted house was made this week preparatory to an auction which will be held later.

Miss Mary Toppan was a week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Quimby at their pleasant home in Dorchester.

Mrs. Roscoe Palmer and her mother, Mrs. Roy Wood were weekend guests of Mrs. Walter Palmer.

Mrs. John Janvrin and daughter Katherine spent Wednesday in Boston.

The Jr. O. U. A. M. will attend services in the Methodist church Sunday, Feb. 2. All members are requested to meet at Mechanic’s hall at ten o’clock and march in a body to the church.

Burglars have been making a series of entries into stores and homes in the village this week. Serious loss was suffered by Cole’s grocery and periodical stores and Paty’s drug store. On the avenue a Liberty bond was taken from Mrs. Helen Farnsworth, but was returned on the following night.