Hampton News

The funeral services of Dr. Spaulding of Salisbury, well known in Hampton, were held on Wednesday, October 19. The burial was in Salisbury.

Saturday night was one of mirth and laughter at “The Echo” when Mr. and Mrs. Stevens gave an informal party in honor of Miss Eleanor Breed of Wheaton College. After a delicious supper with its toasts and jokes, dancing and games were enjoyed. All earthly troubles passed into oblivion during these three short hours of merriment. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, Captain and Mrs. Kernan, Mrs. Agnes G. Spillam, Jack Edwin Spillam, Mrs. A. B. Breed, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hutchings, Miss Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Benway, and Miss Alice Pungh.

Among those in attendance upon the State Convention of the W. C. T. U. in Dover are Mrs. Lucy Marston and Mrs. Lena K. Thompson.

A flock of fifty geese or more flew over Hampton Wednesday morning and was a very pretty sight.

Mrs. Wilson Olney and little son Peter have been visiting in Ogunquit, Maine.

Rev. Roger E. Thompson attended the Lawrence and Haverhill Preacher’s Meeting at St. Paul’s church, Lawrence Monday.

Several from the Methodist church attended the funeral of Jacob F. Spaulding at the Parish church in Salisbury, on Wednesday. The beloved old Doctor was pastor of the local M. E. church forty years ago. It was in his pastorate that the church was moved from the corner of Ann’s Lane and Lafayette Road to its present location.

The members of Oceanside Grange will observe its “Neighbor’s Night” at the Town Hall, Friday evening, October 21. Hampton Falls and Good Will Granges will be their guests. Reception committee, Mr. and Mrs. Hale James, Mr. and Mrs. Harry I. Noyes, Mrs. Jessie H. Myers, Mr. Edward Brown. Refreshment Committee, Mrs. Maude Nudd, Mrs. Mary Keene, Miss Susy Brown.

Mrs. Belle S. Dearborn, Mrs. Lottie Bryant and Mrs. Jennie F. Stevens attended the annual session of the Rebekah Assembly held in Nashua, October 11 and 12. Mrs. Bryant, a personal friend of the Assembly President, Mrs. Martha Roberts of Claremont, acted as assistant to the Marshall during the session.

Recent guests at the Methodist parsonage: Mrs. J. W. Adams of Franklin, widow of Chaplain John W. Adams of the New Hampshire Conference and Mrs. Martha Fifield Wilkins’ father, Rev. Wesley J. Wilkins, was pastor of the Methodist church in Hampton two years, 1910-11. The son has been out of health for some years, supplying pulpits occasionally. His health is much improved.

Dr. Wheat reported Mrs. Albert Shaw as responding to treatment very nicely for which all are grateful.

Miss Marian Lamprey with a friend from Wakefield are enjoying a week in her home in town. Mrs. Catherine Shea is spending the week with her daughter, Miss Katherine Shea and cousin, Dr. Thomas in Boston and Cambridge.

The Mother’s Circle was entertained Wednesday evening by Mrs. Charles Palmer and Mrs. Fred Palmer. The officers are Mrs. Toppan, President; Mrs. Nudd, Vice President; Mrs. Dennett, Secretary; Mrs. Keene, Treasurer; Mrs. Hobbs, Librarian.

The ladies of the Congregational church will give a harvest supper in the church vestry on Wednesday, October 26, at 6:30 P. M. There will be salads, beans, brown and white bread, doughnuts, cheese, various kinds of pie and coffee. The price of the supper will be 30c.

Mrs. Howard G. Lane and Mrs. Marian Leavitt attended the Women’s Christian Temperance Union Convention held in Portsmouth recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry I. Noyes celebrated their 27th wedding anniversary, Sunday, October 16th. The children gave them a beautiful electrolier. They expect to be in their new home in November.

A. E. Dumas has leased the North Shore Hotel to Mr. Nutter of Beverly, Mass., who will keep both hotel and general stores open through the winter. Many improvements are to be made on the store to meet winter conditions. On account of the atmospheric conditions prevailing during the first four games of the world series, it was a very difficult matter to obtain the scores correctly if at all. But there was only one mistake made which seems very well. The reports, beginning with the first of the week were given out play by play by the Amrad Co. (Medford, Hillside, Mass.) having the game, thereby letting the “fans” know the score as soon as the game was over.

Several new wireless telephone stations have been heard at 1ATD. The Haverhill and Worcester ‘fones having come through in pretty good shape. With the coming of winter a great many more ‘fones will be heard as the voice is much clearer on cold nights. When one gets tired of one concert all he has to do is to change one control and another selection will be heard. Why not get a set and enjoy the music in your own home this winter when the snow is too deep and it is hard to keep up with the “gang”?

Moving pictures are to be given regularly every Saturday night in the town hall this winter by Mr. George F. Crocker of Amesbury, Mass., who has the reputation of running for 7 years a clean, healthful program. Nothing will be shown in Hampton that any parents need object to their children observing, and Mr. Crocker invites the pastors of the churches here to attend at any time on free admission, that they may know what the young people are seeing. The general admission is 20c and 2c additional for war tax. The principal feature for next Saturday night will be William Russell in “The Cheater Reformed.”

Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge No. 26 at its regular meeting Tuesday evening, October 18, observed the 17th Anniversary of the Rebekah Degree, and the 36th Anniversary of the local Lodge, with appropriate exercises, and at the close of meeting an efficient committee served a fine harvest supper. There were about 60 members present. Of the original 67 charter members, only 6 now belong to the Lodge, five were present at this meeting, one Brother and four Sisters: Charles M. Batchelder, Effie L. Cook, Annie M. Berry, Nellie Towle Pickering and Belle S. Dearborn. One remarkable fact is, that the four sisters were each an officer when the Lodge was instituted in 1885. Two of these are officers now. The original five were very pleasantly surprised when each were presented with two beautiful roses. A brief history of the Lodge was read by Past Noble Grand, Mrs. Belle Dearborn. Both Mr. Batchelder and Mrs. Cook spoke of the early days of the Lodge.

The Annual Meeting of The Seaside District Sunday School Convention will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 8, at the Baptist church in Hampton Falls. The State Secretary, Mrs. W. D. Reel who has not visited this part of the state before will be one of the speakers. There will be others of interest, do not fail to attend this Convention.

Dr. Wheat came to Hampton on Sunday and took Mr. Austin Mace to the Sacred Heart Hospital in Manchester. Miss Gladys Mace and Mrs. Ralph Mace went to Manchester on Wednesday to see their father.

The Monday Club was entertained this week in the home of Mrs. Thompson with Mrs. Noyes as assistant hostess. There was a large attendance with several guests, viz. Mrs. Charles Palmer, Mrs. Leavitt, Mrs. Bryant, Miss Stedman, and Mrs. Hobbs. The Club appreciated the music furnished by Mrs. Palmer and Miss Fall. The program consisted of interesting papers by Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Tobey. Mrs. Emma Young was appointed by the president to represent the club at the conference to be held in regard to obtaining funds for the support of a welfare whom all indorse and appreciate. The next meeting will be entertained by Mesdames Wingate and Ross in the home of the latter.

Rev. G. W. Clark is preaching the most wonderful helpful and instructive sermons in the Congregational Church evenings of this week, to which all are cordially invited. This Thursday the Officers of the Newburyport Salvation Army will be present and an offering will be taken. The music furnished by Miss Mary Chase and Mrs. Spackman is greatly appreciated.

The H. T. G. Club was delightfully entertained by Mrs. Charles Batchelder last week. Dainty refreshments of chicken salad, hot biscuits, cream pie, coffee were served. Favors were won by Mrs. Hobbs, Mrs. Nudd and Mrs. Brooks. Mrs. Eugene Leavitt will entertain the club this week. Mrs. Munsey was appointed by the president to represent the club at the conference to be held in regard to obtaining funds for the support of a welfare nurse, whom all appreciate and would feel it a calamity to have our nurse not retained.

A little son, Marvin Edgar, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Rex C. Perkins on October 8th. Mrs. Perkins was formerly Miss Leota M. Marston, of this town.

Mr. and Mrs. Moses W. Brown announce the engagement of their daughter, Mildred, to Mr. Orla A. Stone of Stockbridge, Michigan.

A very pleasant meeting of the Men’s Club was held in the Chapel Monday evening. About thirty were present, and after a short business session the members were addressed by J. A. Tufts of Phillips Exeter academy, who gave a delightful talk on a wide variety of subjects. At the close of his address, learning that the club was the initiator of the movement for the establishment of a Parent-Teacher association, and was taking much interest in the new society, he spoke briefly in commendation of the work of these associations in towns where they were established. At the close of the meeting a supper was served in the church dining room.

The exterior work on the new school house is drawing to a close. The remarkable weather of this fall has enabled the work to proceed with considerable speed. The brickwork is finished to the roof and the first line of stone is going into place. Above this stone is 15 inches more of brick, then the final cap stones, all of which should be finished in ten days. Inside the building a good deal of the studding is up and the greater part of the furring, so that the lathers can begin very soon. The plumbing work is started in the basement, and will proceed steadily to completion. The immense heating and ventilating system, which will cost about $10,000, is being installed by the Power, Heating and Ventilating Co. of Boston, under the direction of Joseph M. Johnson and William A. Bullock, both experts in this line of work. The heater is already set up. It is a Smith No. 60 boiler in two sections and is large enough to heat not only the present structure but also additions which may be constructed at some future time. Most of the main piping in the basement is done, and it is to be finished by Xmas. The entire work will be completed in February and the next Annual School Meeting in March should make provisions for a dedication with suitable exercises and then open the building for use with the spring term in April.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hobbs are the guests of Mr. Hobb’s sister, Mrs. Josephine E. Mason, coming in their auto after a trip down east.

Mrs. Bristol, proprietor of Bristol’s garage, Hampton Beach, has just returned from a trip to New York state by automobile. She visited her former husband’s mother while there.