Hampton News

The marriage of Miss Carrie C. Batchelder of Exeter, for several years stenographer at the Rockingham county Y. M. C. A., to Frank D. Redman, of this town, was performed by the Rev. J. W. Bixler, at Exeter on Saturday.

Mrs. Josephine E. Mason is visiting relatives and friends in the vicinity of Boston, making her headquarters with her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Hobbs, Brookline, Mass.

Steel flag poles of very pretty design can be procured of C. A. Harris of Exeter who has been putting in fire escapes in Hampton and Hampton Beach for the past two months.

On Tuesday afternoon last Mrs. Philip S. Lamprey was very pleasantly surprised by a few of her many friends and neighbors, it being the occasion of her birthday. Refreshments of ice cream and cake and lemonade were served and an excellent and extensive musical program was greatly enjoyed by all. She was the recipient of many gifts, both useful and ornamental. All left wishing her many happy returns of the day.

Harry I. Noyes has begun excavation for a residence on his lot on Academy Avenue, which he will build this fall.

Elmwood Farm is to have a fire escape constructed by C. A. Harris of Exeter.

A jolly party of ten, including eight young people and two chaperones, left town last Saturday in two autos for Ossipee, N. H. They had a very enjoyable time, both on the way and while at Ossipee and returned Sunday night having had a delightful weekend trip.

Oceanside Grange, together with members of Hampton Falls Grange and several other visitors, spent a very pleasant evening with Seabrook Grange on June 21.

The tag day receipts in Hampton for the Exeter Cottage hospital amounted to $85.75.

Mrs. William M. Pray received many tokens of congratulations from friends on the occasion of the passing of her ninetieth birthday, the 22nd.

The Ladies Night of the Men’s Club will take place in the vestry of the Congregational church on Monday evening the 27th. A splendid program has been prepared.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Perkins had the pleasure of a visit of his brother, J. W. Perkins of Newburyport, Mass., and their nephew, Mr. Frank F. Noyes of Atlanta Georgia, on Tuesday of this week.

Mrs. Eugene Moriarity was called to Lubec, Me., this week by the seriousness of her mother.

Mrs. Maude Ring has recently installed an electric washing machine.

Richard Taylor, a graduate of Hampton Academy, class of 1919, has returned from the West where he has been attending college, and will spend the summer in Hampton. He has secured a position as conductor on the street railway.

Janet Ward, Eastow Hobbs, and Harold Batchelder graduated from N. H. College at Durham on Tuesday.

The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Marion Leavitt on Friday at 2:30. Subject: “Flower Mission Work,” which was begun by this organization many years ago and since taken up by other societies, with headquarters in Manchester.

Gypsies came through town today, one camp has located near Parker Lamprey’s.

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hobbs attended the graduating exercises at New Hampshire College at Durham on Tuesday the 21st, when their son Eastow, graduated in a class of 126. The address was given by Dr. A. Z. Conrall of Park St. Church, Boston, and was especially fine. Eastow is to be congratulated as he has gone through college by his own personal efforts.

It was the 50th jubilee of New Hampshire College of the three members of 50 years ago, all of whom were present. Mr. Lewis Perkins of Hampton was one.

The graduation exercises at Hampton Academy and High School were as usual pleasing and entertaining. The hall was decorated in a very attractive manner.

There were only three graduates. The two young ladies were, in fact, very “Sweet Girl Graduates.” All showed great credit to their teachers and to their own perseverance. The music and address were of a very high order, and altogether the graduation of 1921 was a credit to the school. The graduates were Vivian A. Wood, Ruby A. Wyman and Harlan L. Teague.

The Hampton Academy Alumni Association held its 15th meeting at the Casino on Friday, the 17th. Owing to many of our young people being away not as large a number was present as usual. Just 50 were present. Others sent dues. The exercises presided over by the president, Chester N. Godfrey, were very interesting. Mr. Godfrey has made an ideal man as president. Mrs. Lucy A. Marston acted as secretary in the absence of Miss Adeline Marston, Secretary. The nominating committee appointed by the chair presented the names of the following members for the officers for the ensuing year: C. S. Toppan, Pres., William E. Philbrook of Andover, Vice Pres., Adeline C. Marston, Sec., and Grace B. Ring. Treas. After all business was transacted the Association listened to an address by Dr. Lewis Perry, Principal of Philips Exeter Academy, which was pronounced by all to be the finest ever heard. Everyone felt well repaid for going after hearing Dr. Perry. We were glad to have a good number of young people present. Also the high school teachers and the two young ladies who graduated the night before.

Mrs. Mary G. Chipman of Somerville has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Addie B. Brown the past week. Mrs. Chipman attended the Alumni dinner as she is one of the oldest members of Hampton Academy Alumni Association.

Hampton Beach:

The opening of the season at Hampton Beach on Wednesday of last week was even more successful than the most optimistic member of the Board of Trade anticipated. In the past there has been no pretense of opening the business places in general earlier than the first of July, but indications now point to a busy two weeks previous to the usual opening period. Downes’ Military Band of Haverhill will give three concerts daily at the Beach during the remainder of the season. This splendid aggregation of musicians, under the expert leadership of Herbert W. W. Downes, is making a distinct hit at the beach this year.

From now on until July 1 there will be fireworks displays on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday nights. The opening salute of the fireworks will be given at 8:30 P. M. standard time, or 9:30 P. M. daylight saving time. From now on until July 1 “Bob” Fogg, the aviator flying the fast and most powerful “ship” in New England, will give special weekend exhibitions of acrobatic flying. Fogg, who one of the few airmen to graduate from Brook’s Flying Field at San Antonio, Texas, has been an instructor in acrobatic flying for several years.

The cottages are fast filling up for the season and the beach transient business was never so good at this period of the year.

Ernest Brett of Exeter, assistant professor of physical education at Washington and Lee University, Virginia, has been engaged by the Board of Trade as lifeguard of the beach for this season. Brett has had a wide variety of experience in work of this nature and he will come to the beach immediately to install the protective devices that have been purchased by the Board of Trade for emergency cases. Mr. Brett will also be available during the summer as an instructor of swimming.

It is interesting to note that the businessmen of Hampton Beach are becoming acquainted with the meaning of President Harding’s term “normalcy” and are readjusting their prices downward. There has been more or less criticism of this popular resort on account of the prices in vogue there, but it now looks as if further criticism along these lines will now be “out of order”.

An attraction of Friday afternoon, which proved interesting, instructive and popular, was the exhibition life saving drill by the men of the Coast Guard Station, No. 16, the Hampton station under Capt. Myers. The men demonstrated the use of the breeches buoy and also gave an exhibition of boat launching and handling. A large crowd of spectators enjoyed the exhibition.

The construction of the largest dance hall on the New England coast at the base of Great Boar’s Head is being rapidly pushed to completion. It is confidently expected that the hall, which will be 200 feet long and 100 feet wide, will be ready for use by the Fourth of July at the very latest. It is understood that the colored orchestra which has proved such a sensation at Suntaug Inn for several years, will furnish the music for the dancing.

Leavitt’s Hampton Beach Hotel, a familiar landmark at the base of Great Boar’s Head, has been torn down to make room for an amusement structure. This house was one of the few remaining that figured in the early days of Hampton Beach as a summer resort.

In the summer of 1872, when Horace Greeley was a candidate for the presidency, he stopped there while visiting here.

For nearly a century this spot had been the home or property of the Leavitt family. The first public house at this point was built by Abraham Marston, Jr., and Amos Towle in 1819, and in 1827 it became the property of Thomas Leavitt, who greatly enlarged it. In July, 1854, it was burned to the ground, and the lot was vacant for many years afterward. In 1852 the late Judge Thomas Leavitt and his brother, Joseph L. Leavitt, built the structure just taken down, and for forty years it was a popular resort, its patrons including guests of prominence from many distant points. The location was considered ideal in many ways, and it had the reputation of low temperatures when the heat was intense along the shore. Many will regret the passing of the old hotel.

L. E. Poole of Stoneham, Mass., is a guest at the Avon hotel.

Landlord Thomas Power of the Avon served a fish and chicken dinner to a party composed of the members of Kunhardl’s Overseers Association of Lawrence. After the dinner a musical program was enjoyed. Before the members left they gave a vote of thanks to Mr. Power for serving them the best dinner they had ever eaten on Hampton Beach.

Indian Braves Visit Hampton:

The large crowds that congregated at Hampton Beach on Sunday were treated to an unexpected spectacle in the afternoon when Newell Tomah and Johnnie Ranco, two full blooded braves of the Penobscot tribe who were traveling down the coast in a birch bark canoe to attend the Pilgrim tercentenary at Plymouth, put in from the sea for a rest. J. A. Tucker, newly elected secretary of the Board of Trade, who had been notified that the Indians would pass the beach sometime Sunday, was on the lookout all day and when he sighted the canoe passing Boar’s Head, one mile out to sea, a boat was sent out to invite the Indians in.

As the canoe containing the braves came riding in on the waves opposite the Casino a large crowd congregated at the edge of the breakwater to receive them. After drawing their canoe far up on the sands, the Indians were taken to the band stand, where a band concert was in progress and introduced to the large assembly by Secretary Tucker. The braves acknowledged the loud cheering that followed with bows, and Ranco, who acted as spokesman for the two, gave a brief detailed story of the trip as far as they had gone.

Arrayed in the feathers, paint, buckskin, and beads of their forefathers, the braves had left the reservation at Indian Island, Me., 12 miles up the river from Bangor, Me., on Monday, the 13th, on the first lap of their 300 mile voyage to Plymouth. Their departure from Indian Village was made the occasion of a parade, congratulations, music by an Indian band, and an address by several “white chiefs of the town”. Thirty Indian families left Indian Island at the same time for the same destination, but Tomah and Ranco were the only two to travel by sea in a canoe.

There is no stormier stretch of American Atlantic coast than that between Penobscot bay and Cape Cod. While passing around Pemaquid point the two Indians encountered waves 30 feet high. Ranco stated that they knew that their ancestors cruised all along the Atlantic shore from Passamaquoddy bay to Boston in birch bark canoes without mishap and they, Ranco and Tomah, felt safe in their birch canoe, although it is only 17 ½ feet long and 30 inches wide.

The Indians carried a complete camping outfit, sleeping ashore, putting in at convenient harbors. Both are noted Penobscot river woodsmen and log drivers and used to rough water on the big lakes. Both speak excellent English. They stated that the reception at Hampton was the best given them at any place they had landed since the start of their trip and because of this they decided to make their stop at Hampton Beach last overnight, renewing their journey early the next morning.

Following the introduction of the braves they were treated to their first aeroplane ride. The three passenger plane, piloted by “Bob” Fogg, bore the bronzed natives over to Salisbury beach and back. On returning the Indians stated that the ride was much too short and that riding in an aeroplane was much less hazardous than manning a canoe over 30 foot waves. Following the aeroplane ride they erected their wigwam and received visits from hundreds.

Work as been resumed on DeLancy’s new hotel at Hampton Beach.

Five graduates of St. Mary’s Academy of Dover, N. H. spent Wednesday at Hampton Beach coming in Elias Simmon’s truck.