Hampton News

Mrs. William Pray is having her house shingled.

A group of young people from this town gave an entertainment in Newcastle on Wednesday evening of this week.

A vocal teacher will give lessons in this town to a few pupils. She is going to be here Fridays.

Friday, May 20, will be G. A. R. night with Ocean Side Grange. Invitations have been extended the members of Perkins Post and W. R. C. to meet at Grange Hall at 8 P.M. This evening is looked forward to by members of the Grange as one when we receive honored guests. There will be a short business of the Grange at 7:30. Captain Olive Nudd and her winning Blues were given a most enjoyable entertainment and lunch by Captain Myers’ Pinks on May 6.

The Whatsoever Circle will meet with Miss Mabel Page at the Elmwood on Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock.

On Monday evening, in the M. E. church vestry, an entertainment and social will be given by the same group that went to Newcastle on Wednesday evening. Admission to entertainment, 15c; refreshments, 15c. All the numbers will be costumed. All come.

There will be a special business meeting of S. P. Class of the Methodist Sunday School tomorrow, Friday night, at the parsonage.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Oneto of Haverhill and Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle of Amesbury were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Emery on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Stillman Dyer of Portsmouth with their brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Thaxter Friend of Etna, Maine with their little daughter, Elaine, visited friends in town on Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Winship and little son Paul, of Reading, Mass., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William T. Ross on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Finney and little son of Haverhill spent the weekend in their cottage at Plaice Cove, later calling on Mr. and Mrs. Abbott Joplin.

Samuel McIlveen went to Boston on Tuesday and entered a hospital for an operation which it is hoped will be a minor one.

Mr. Carlson, who purchased the Seavey Blake place, injured his hand seriously and nearly severed his thumb on Monday. He was cranking his machine when the number plate was loosened and pinned his hand between the crank and the plate.

Warren Hobbs, who was taken quite ill on Sunday is improving. He is planning to carry the mail to the beach this summer.

Mr. Robert Day from Bath, Maine, is visiting the Elliots on Highland Ave.

The Monday Club will observe Past Presidents’ Day on Monday, May 18, in the home of Miss Clara Powers. All the members are entitled to bring one guest.

Marvin Young has moved from Uri Lamprey’s into his mother’s home.

The Ladies’ Aid met with Mrs. E. G. Cole on Tuesday with a good number present.

Beecher Yeaton, who has occupied Mrs. Addie Brown’s home during the winter, is moving to his home on Drake Road.

Mrs. Belle Dearborn and Mrs. Marion Dearborn are having their land on High street surveyed and laid into lots, one of which is sold already to Harry Stewart Johnson, who will build a home immediately.

Mr. Henderson and family who have occupied Mr. Frank Remick’s tenement, will move to Boston on Saturday and a family from Maine will move in the tenement.

Mr. Thayer’s family of North Hampton has moved into George Blake’s house recently vacated by Rev. Mr. Taylor.

The H. T. G. Club was delightfully entertained by Mrs. Thomas Hobbs on Thursday. Favors were awarded as follows: set of grape fruit dishes, Mary Toppan; a brush and comb tray, to Mrs. Belle Dearborn; a fancy cushion to Mrs. Carl Mitchell. Refreshments of fruit salad, stuffed olives, pineapple sherbet, cake and coffee were served. It was the annual meeting and the following officers were elected: Pres., Mrs. Florence Brooks; Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. Lida Wiggin. The club is very grateful to Miss Mary Toppan as president and Mrs. Everett Nudd as secretary and treasurer for the most efficient service they have rendered the club during the past two years.

Mr. Plummer Mace and Mrs. Seavey of Rochester were married Saturday evening.

The Congregational Missionary Society was entertained in the chapel last week by Mrs. Lucy A. Marston and Mrs. Addie B. Brown.

A very pleasant meeting of the W. C. T. U. was held on Wednesday when plans were made for Memorial Day.

There will be an auction at Mrs. Hugh Brown’s on Tuesday of next week of farming implements, wagons, etc. Some household goods belonging to other parties will be sold at the time.

Mrs. Moses Brown is visiting friends in Boston, Roslindale, Woburn and Newton.

Tuesday evening, May 17, Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge No. 26 will have an official visit from Martha E. Roberts, the president of the Rebekah Assembly of New Hampshire. There are seven candidates to take the degree and all members of other Rebekah Lodges visiting or staying in town are invited to be present. Let all the members of Winnicummet Lodge be present and give our president a cordial welcome.

The Y. M. B. C. Class of the Methodist Church will hold a home-made candy sale in Cole’s Periodical Store, Saturday P. M. Candy will sell for 40c per lb. Say it to her with some of this sweetness and you will get in right.

The many friends of Mrs. Herbert Blake are grieved to hear of her recent serious illness necessitating her removal to the hospital at Exeter. Much credit is due our district nurse, Miss Cronin, who has been so faithful in attending her during her long siege of suffering.

Mr. William Brown and his son Robert will run the E. G. Cole Store at Hampton Beach this summer.

Mr. Harlan Teague, while on the way to Kingston to play ball Saturday last, had the misfortune to have his heel crushed by Victor Mitchell’s truck. He attempted to jump on the truck while it was in motion and lost his balance, falling in such a way that the rear wheel ran over his heel. He is now in the Exeter Cottage Hospital. The x-rays taken of the foot show a fracture on the heel bone. It is not yet known how long he will remain in the hospital but his friends hope for a speedy recovery.

“Turning the Trick,” a three-act comedy, to be presented by the Invincible Class of the Peoples’ Christian Church, Lynn, Mass., and to be given under the auspices of the Winnicummet Improvement Society, at the Town Hall, Hampton, on the evening of May 21st, at 8 o’clock, has already been given three times in Lynn; with much success before big audiences. The young folks in the cast have kindly consented to come here for the benefit of the Improvement Society, and it is hoped a large and appreciative audience will be present to greet them. There will be music between the acts and at the close of drama, for dancing. Ice cream will be served. Car will leave for Exeter at close of dance. Tickets for drama: 35c for adults, 25c for children under 12. Come and give us your patronage.

Hampton is soon to have a modern, up-to-date central schoolhouse, eight rooms, brick construction, located on the site of the present grammar school. The present grammar school building is to be moved to the lot next to the town hall, used for school work until the new central school house is completed and then fitted up for a fire station and other municipal purposes. The district is to issue bonds to an amount not exceeding $70,000 in denomination of $250 each, bearing interest at the rate of five per cent, and it is hoped and expected that all these bonds will be taken up by Hampton people.