Hampton News

Miss Sara Threlfall and Mrs. Elizabeth Lucas of Camden, N. J., are visiting in the home of Charles F. Adams.

Mr. and Mrs. William Hill are at their parents.

The September and annual meeting of the Rockingham County W. C. T. U. will be held in Salem, on Thursday the 15th.

Mr. Fall will move into the East side of Mrs. Addie Brown’s house the first of October.

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Coughlin and Mr. and Mrs. John Madden Jr. are spending their honeymoon at Mary Toppan’s.

Hampton people feel very grateful to Mr. Thomas Cogger for his financial aid, and to Rev. R. E. Thompson and Rev. Mr. Buker for their time invested in the recent chautauqua, although there has been some delay in mentioning the fact through the newspaper.

Miss Katherine Shea is spending the week with her mother and Miss Marian Lamprey is expected home for the week end.

Miss Addie Brown was pleasantly entertained at Plaice Cove on Monday and Tuesday of this week by her sister, Mrs. Nutter.

Mrs. Noyes, Mrs. Gates and Miss Madeline Gates, who have been spending the summer at Crystal Spring Farm will return to their home in Chelsea upon August 31.

There will be a tag day for the cemetery next week. There are a number of fallen stones on lots whose owners have passed on and the association would like to reset these but have not funds in the treasury for this purpose nor to pay the Secretary and Treasurer. As the solicitor calls at your door kindly be prepared to be as liberal towards this drive as possible as we all want the cemetery to look well.

William and John Elliot and Lawrence Thompson are camping at Hedding this week.

Roscoe Palmer has opened a garage on the Lafayette Road. See adv. in another column.

Miss Goldene Howe Newhall who has spent many summers with her aunt, Mrs. Morey, at the Recluse Cottage, sailed from Vancouver, August 13, for Shanghai, China. She will remain there five years and will teach American art. She is a portrait painter of note, and already has commissions to paint portraits of two Chinese officials. Miss Newhall is a charming young woman and will be greatly missed by her many friends at the beach.

Mr. and Mrs. John S. Poyen who spent the month of July with Mrs. Elizabeth Akerman returned Monday. Since leaving town they have taken an auto trip along the Maine coast to Montreal, Quebec to the Thousand Islands returning from Watertown N. J. through the Adirondacks and White Mountains traveling in all about eighteen hundred miles.

Mrs. J. Q. Bennett will entertain the missionary society of the Congregational church at her cottage at North Beach on Wednesday, August 31, at 3 o’clock.

The big elm on the Elmwood Farm has recently been cleared of dead branches. It was a huge and difficult job but was accomplished without accident.

The foundations have been put under the old Center School building on its new site at the corner of the Beach road and Academy ave. The foundation is on concrete with 18 inches of brick below the sides.

The frame of the H. I. Noyes house on Academy avenue was raised during the past week. All records were broken for quick construction. The pouring of the cement for foundations began on Monday, the 15th; the lower part of the frame was erected on the 17th and the roof was on and the sides were boarded in on Monday the 22nd. The construction of the roof is entirely different from anything in Hampton and the whole house, which is an eight room one, will present a most attractive appearance.

The Hudson Construction Company of Boston, the firm that is building the new Center School house, is making good progress. The immense foundation work was completed on Wednesday and bricklaying was begun today. There will be about 75,000 bricks used in the building.

Frank Storer, 50 years old, of North Hampton was killed instantly Tuesday morning when struck by the 9 o’clock train out of Boston near the plant of the Morley Button Manufacturing Co. of Portsmouth. He was walking into Portsmouth on the outward track and just as he neared the factory stepped from one track to another to avoid train No. 244, which had just left Portsmouth for Boston. He sustained a fractured skull and broken neck. Death was instantaneous. Storer had been employed as a farm hand in North Hampton, where a wife and one daughter, Mrs. George Frost, reside. They gave the information that he had missed a train from there to Maine and had started to walk to Portsmouth to make connections.

On the afternoon of August 14th, the Shaw family had a very pleasant reunion through the efforts of Mrs. Flora W. Wilbur of Newton, N.H. on the old home place. This was the first reunion of the Shaw family which has taken place since the death of Simeon Shaw.

This family is one of the oldest in town. Roger Shaw came to Cambridge, Mass. from England in 1636. He came to Hampton in 1647 and settled on the old Shaw place which has been in their possession ever since. The children of Elroy Shaw make the 10th generation on the place.

With the exception of Everett S. Shaw and family of Denver, Colorado, and Percy M. Blake and wife of Spokane, Washington, nearly every member of the immediate family attended this reunion.

The following members of the family were present:

Mr. and Mrs. S. Albert Shaw, Miss Thelma Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Shaw and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Parker Blake, Miss Sarah A. Blake, Mr. John C. Blake, Miss Etta C. and Wallace S. Blake, all of Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Shaw and family of Malden, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Pressey and family of Salem, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. Philip N. Blake of Amesbury, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. E. Marden Hoxie and son Wilbur, and Mrs. Flora W. Wilbur of Newton, N.H.; Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lantz and family of Hampton Falls.

Hampton Beach:

The Seventh Annual Hampton Beach Carnival begins on Labor Day and it is indicated that this year’s event will be just a little ahead of the six previous carnivals. A great many of the hotels, cottages and stores have made arrangements for gala decorations that will be hung by the decorating companies sometime during the coming week. The Board of Trade will have the telephone poles hung with banners and flags, the big out-of-door stage sumptuously decorated and streamers of pennants hung around the bandstand. The thousands of lamps on the electric streamers across the boulevard will be colored especially for the festival season of carnival week.

The fireworks for carnival week will be furnished by two well known dealers in pyrotechnics, the contract being too large for any one company to handle. Every carnival day will witness two wonderful displays of fireworks, day and night. In the late afternoon there will be a special “shoot” of Japanese daylight bombs and maroons. To those who have never seen daylight fireworks the exhibition will come as a wonderful novelty for the bursting bombs display a great variety of colorful and really wonderful-yes, marvelous objects.

At night, directly after the big stage show, will come in the real Italian style-lots of pep and noise together with beautiful set pieces and a wonderful display of aerial bombs. The companies have been asked to pay special attention to the aerial section of the displays and have promised to shoot bombs with no less than fifteen to twenty breaks each. The finale of each display will be the most wonderful ever seen in New England. Great mortars, buried deep in the beach sand, will hurl giant bombs hundreds of feet into the air where they will explode in a shower of colored stars and floating chains causing a great brilliancy. The finale will be noisy enough to be heard in Portsmouth, Amesbury and all nearby cities.