Hampton News

[NOTE: The issue number of this edition of the newspaper is numbered 19, and is dated April 41, 1921 at the top of page 1. Since issue number 18 is dated April 14 and issue number 20 is dated April 28, it follows that this issue should be dated April 21, 1921.]

Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge will observe Children’s Night, Wednesday evening, April 27 at the I. O. O. F. hall.

The Friendly Class will meet with Mrs. Tobey on Friday evening of this week.

The Whatsoever Circle will hold a food sale in Cole’s Periodical store, Friday afternoon, April 29, from 3 to 5 o’clock. Bread, rolls, doughnuts and cake will be on sale.

The date of the Old Folks Concert has been changed to Saturday evening, May 7. Dancing will follow the concert.

Mr. Frank Dennet and family, who have been spending some time in Ogunquit, Maine, is expected home this week.

The schools will be closed next week for the spring vacation. Some of the teachers close their work in Hampton at the end of the year. It is regretted that Mrs. Wenzel is to leave but we are glad of her splendid offer from Malden.

The Masons in Portsmouth are having addresses by different ministers in their rooms Sunday evenings. Rev. Dr. Thayer and Rev. Mr. Haskell of Greenland have responded to the invitation. Last Sunday Rev. Geo. Clark gave a splendid address to them.

The Odd Fellows of Hampton were entertained by the Portsmouth lodge Wednesday evening, going down in autos.

Several ladies of the Monday Club responded to the invitation of the Exeter Womans’ Club to attend their meeting on Tuesday. Mrs. Remark, State Pres. of the federation and Mrs. Yantis, Chairman of the Civic and Home Economics Committee, addressed the meeting.

The Colonial Tea given by the Monday Club this week in the Town Hall was a huge success, socially, entertainingly and financially. The entertainment was a delight and well worth twice the price of admission. The Spanish dance by Mrs. Olney was beautifully done and merited the applause given and this did not cease until Mrs. Olney responded the encore. The Folk dance by Misses Alice Wenzel and Irene Langley and the minuet with song by Miss Alice Wenzel were splendidly executed and they kindly responded to the encore. The violin solo by Mrs. Spackman was greatly enjoyed as was the duet by Mrs. Arthur Young and Mrs. Spackman, and the farce entitled “Sewing for the Heathen.” The entertainment was in charge of Mrs. Spackman and Mrs. Arthur Young who worked untiringly to make it a success and have received thanks from all. The tables contained delicious refreshments and were well patronized and the Colonial Tea given by the Monday Club under the supervision of Mrs. Emma Young was pronounced a great success.

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob W. Purington of North Hampton announce the marriage of their daughter, Alice Brown, to Mr. Harold Everett Merchant of Hall Quarry, Maine.

There will be a rehearsal for the Old Folks Concert in the Grange Hall, Monday evening, April 25. Miss Johnson will be present. A good attendance is desired. All Come.

Officers and members of the Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge No. 26, are invited to attend church services with Rockingham Lodge No. 22, I. O. O. F., Sunday afternoon, April 24 at 2 o’clock at Seabrook Baptist church. Take the electric car that leaves Hampton at 1:40. Let every sister that can possibly attend this meeting do so, as a full attendance is desired.

Thirty-odd years in China! What a background for just the pictures we all want to see. Miss Mabel Hartford will speak at the District Convention of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society in the M. E. church, Apr. 28, Thursday. Costume will add vividness to the story. Another noted speaker is Mrs. A. L. Lamont, Supt. for N. E. of the Young People’s work. Sessions open at 10:30 and 2. Everybody invited.

A very handsome hydrangea in heavy bud and gorgeous bloom, a basket of fruit and a big cake with eighty colored candles were the unusual decorations at the plate of the president of the Ladies’ Aid of the Methodist church yesterday at their monthly meeting at the vestry. Mrs. Sarah E. Lane, the recipient of the honors and the congratulations has been president of the society for 27 years. Mrs. Lane seems likely to break the record of her predecessor in the office, Mrs. Lydia Fisk, who was so honored for 34 years. Her many friends unite to say, “Many happy returns.”

There was a large attendance in the Baptist church Sunday evening to hear Rev. Dr. Stait, a missionary of India. Had the evening been pleasant the auditorium would have been crowded. Everyone felt amply repaid for any effort expended to listen to Dr. Stait’s lecture and see the marvelous pictures he exhibited. All came away with a far more intelligent idea of what has been accomplished through Christian work in India. Dr. Stait has been there 33 years, as a medical missionary and having traveled extensively knows India well. It was very generous of him to come to Hampton as he only lectures in large cities and his time up to June, when he returns to India, is almost all taken up but he was so pleased with his reception here he may give another lecture if he possibly can. This will be a rare opportunity which it is hoped everyone will embrace. West End Club Meetings

Mrs. Towle was presented with a box of fruit as a birthday remembrance and responded with thanks. The literary program was in charge of Miss Maraney. Miss Frances Towle read Spider and The Fly and Gems from Henry Van Dyke. The members sang Sweet and Low. How a Woman Who Left Her Specks at Home Voted, was read by Mrs. Blanchard. Miss Blanche Williams read. Miss Towle read, Hoover Was A Country Boy. The meeting closed by singing, Till We Meet Again and Brighten The Corner Where You Are. Six guests were present. Mrs. Blanchard, Mrs. Parker Blake, Mrs. Batchelder, Mrs. Swain, Mrs. Murray and Miss Annie Johnson. A social hour was enjoyed in which delicious refreshments were served, sandwiches, doughnuts, cheese, two kinds of cake, drop cakes, and coffee.

The next meeting was held at Mrs. Willard Delano’s. The meeting opened by the members repeating the quotation. Minutes of last meeting were read and reports of committees given. Mrs. E. S. Bowley had charge of the literary program which was as follows: Reading, Miss Frances Towle, When Day is Done by Edgar Guest; Reading, poem, by each of the members, by Edgar Guest; Singing, Old Songs by all. We were pleased to have with us as guests Mrs. Addie and Mrs. Edward Brown. The meeting closed by singing God Be With You Till We Meet Again. A social hour was then enjoyed in which delicious refreshments were served. Lobster salad, chocolate and sponge cake and hot coffee.

Charles R. Sargent:

The remains of Mr. Charles Sargent were brought here on Friday and services which were well attended were held at the grave, conducted by Rev. Edgar Warren. The bearers were Messrs. Batchelder, Brown, McIlveen, and Toppan. The flowers were beautiful. Mr. Sargent was born in Hampton about 86 years ago and was always a loyal citizen and liked by all. He leaves a widow to mourn his loss. There were quite a number of friends from Boston, among them Mr. Charles Turner.