Hampton News

Schools in town will open on Monday, Sept. 12.

The Mothers’ Circle will hold an outing at North Beach next Wednesday, Aug. 17. Dinner on basket lunch plan. Take 9:40 a. m. car.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford B. Lee and baby Leona of Camden, N. J. are visiting Mrs. Lee’s sister, Mrs. C. F. Adams.

Robert Day who is employed at Bristol’s Garage, Hampton Beach, took a motorcycle ride to Sanford Wednesday night and returned the next morning.

Elton Thompson, who has been the manager for the grocery store in the post office building since it was opened two years ago, has resigned and will enter the employ of Mrs. J. Q. Bennett of Hampton and Cambridge. Mr. Elton will be succeeded by Norman Coffin as manager of the store, which will continue to do business as usual.

On Sunday Mr. Elliot’s sister, Mrs. Robertson of Everett, Mass., together with her husband and two other friends from the same city motored to Hampton and passed the day with Mrs. Elliot and family.

Two accidents occurred on Monday night of this week. The first occurred when a Pierce Arrow car smashed into Bert Janvrin’s Buick as he went to turn into the Hampton Center Garage. The radiator and mud guard on one side and the front wheel on the other were badly damaged on Mr. Janvrin’s car while the other one escaped with comparatively small injuries. The other accident took place when Clarence Philbrook in his Ford truck, while climbing the bridge hill on the Exeter Road, met a machine coming down the Lafayette Road. Neither of the cars were much damaged.

Miss Greta Myers has returned home from normal school.

Friends of Mrs. B. F. Perkins were glad to see her in Hampton again.

Miss Maurice Glidden is the guest of her niece, Mrs. Fred Perkins.

Mrs. M. G. Chipman, of Somerville will be the guest of her sister, Mrs. Lucy A. Marston for some weeks.

Mrs. Bertha Wenzel who has been away for three weeks, has returned to town to stay until September 1 when she will move to Medford, Mass. where she is going to teach the coming year.

Ernest Towle returned from Exeter Hospital on Sunday and Mrs. Elsie J. Godfrey was taken there on the same day. She went merely for treatment.

The Misses MacLaine of Hyde Park, Mass. spent last week end with their cousin, Alice Elliot of this town. Miss Nanette returned home Monday morning and Gertrude has prolonged her visit over this week.

Miss Elsie Jefferson of Cliftondale, Mass. is spending her vacation at the home of her friend, Helen Gilpatrick.

Ruth E. Titcomb of Amesbury who has been giving lessons here Tuesdays, has discontinued teaching until fall, when she will return it if there are enough who desire to take.

It gave the managers of the Echo much pleasure to entertain the members of the Radcliffe Chautauqua during their stay in Hampton. Some of the guests at the Echo this past week have been: Miss C. B. Supple, Arthur A. King, B. E. Murer, E. A. Holland, Mr. S. Samuels, W. H. Grant, G. C. Prouty, D. Kennedy, Boston; C. H. Waterman and wife, Elizabeth and Geraldine Waterman, C. H. Waterman, Jr., Portland, Maine; C. A. Allen, Manchester, N. H.; Dr. Willam A. Ward, Washington, D. C.; Prof. S. J. Chandler, Mt. Vernon, Iowa; Anna Ellis, Peoria, Illinois; C. A. Toole, S. S. Pill, New York City; Lewis Blackwill, Knoxville, Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs. C. Andrews, Springfield, Mass., Mr. and Mrs. William Moore, Miss Moore, Haddonfield, N. J.; Mary M. Meade, Brookline, Mass.; Helen T. Kellett, Salem, Mass.; Winifred O. Rourke, Peabody, Mass.; Elsie Melamet, Baltimore, Maryland; Margaret Melamet, Baltimore; Alta Halbert, Kansas City; Geraldine Edgar, Balbo, Md.; Miss Phebe Knox, Kenneth Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Wentworth Stewart, Washington, D. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hendry, New York.

Neil Tolman enjoyed the Pageant at Plymouth, driving a party from Newburyport down and back.

The W. C. T. U. will hold their annual picnic at Mrs. Lane’s cottage at North Beach. All members are requested to be present. Dinner will be near noon.

An auto turned over in front of Asbury Marston’s house on Saturday, almost at their front door. No one was injured much, but this is the second accident near there and the experience is not very pleasant.

Miss Adeline Marston and Mrs. Wing who left here on Wednesday reached their destination, Great Falls, Mont., on Monday morning. It was a tiresome but lovely trip. They enjoyed sight seeing for a long day in Montreal and surroundings. They report cool weather, especially nights. They intend to do quite a bit of sight seeing before they return.

From Saturday morning till Monday morning it is nothing but noise and confusion on Lafayette road. It might be a good plan to have signs in a prominent place, as the truck loads of noisy, shouting people come through the town on Sunday morning, requesting them to be quiet. It is very annoying besides a desecration of the Sabbath day. There are at least some remaining in town who try to observe it in a quiet way.

The latest arrivals at Elmwood are as follows: F. R. Burnside, Roslindale; Eveleyn Smith, Concord; Addie Cole, Salem; Mrs. Ebeider and children, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; Nathaniel Ringler, Joan Spokes of London, England; Robert R. Condut, New York City.

One of the numerous pleasant occasions at the “Recluse” Cottage this season was an informal party on Friday evening given by Mrs. F. H. Farnham of Lowell, a life long friend of Mrs. Maude N. Morey of the Recluse. Guests were present from Ottawa, Canada; New Rochelle, New York; Winthrop, Mass. and Lowell. Dainty refreshments were served and games and dancing indulged in. Prizes were awarded to the following: Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Chase, Mrs. Edgar Archibald, Miss Ella M. Horne, and Mrs. H. E. Webster. Mr. John H. Creighton and Mr. William M. Stevens furnished the music for dancing. On Wednesday the guests at the “Recluse” thru the courtesy of Mrs. H. I. Chase of “The Golden” Cottage, enjoyed an auto trip to Ipswich, Mass. There Edgar Archibald, a guest of Mrs. Chase, entertained the party for tea at “Ye Rogers Manse.”

A play is to be given in the Unitarian Church, Hampton Falls, August 29, entitled, “The Old Peabody Pew.” Admission for adults, 35c; children, 20c.

The Hampton Chautauqua

Clean, wholesome, thought-provoking, inspiring. And it would still further deplete our stock of adjectives to tell the story of the first visit of the Radcliffe Chautauqua to our town of Hampton. Our lecturers, Messrs. Chandler, Ward and Stewart stuck to practical community and national matters and made us think some new thoughts and review our ordinary thought–paths to new purpose. Dr. Wentworth Stewart brought the big program to a mighty finish with his contention that the only possible security for our representative democracy is in getting together for community ends and in seeking now as we did in the emergency of the war the commonweal first, any lesser, self interests afterwards.

Dr. W. A. Ward was much enjoyed not only in his lectures but in his very excellent and kindly assistance in the pulpits of our churches upon the Sabbath.

But Hampton folks enjoy the beautiful in music and no one will deny that we had a treat in the Hendry’s execution at the piano and upon the cornet; in the work of the Clifford Foote Trio and specially in the truly admirable work of the Misses Melamet, and Miss Edgar from Baltimore. Not in a long time have our people been held in such breathless attent to a violinist’s rare execution as to that of the gifted Miss Edgar. And the loyalty of our devotion was pretty well divided between the Misses Melamet, Miss Margaret, most delightful soprano and Miss Elsie, rich sympathetic contralto, whose voice has remarkable compass. Her work as accompanist was in fine taste and much skill. No other of our entertaining groups was so lavish in response to repeated encores, and none has left a pleasanter remembrance in our hearts.

It is not at all surprising that this first attempt to get Hampton folks acquainted with the Chautauqua should be an expense to the contract signers. If we as a community have taken in even a fraction of the great messages in this program Hampton can never again be what it was a week ago. Knowing what we do today of the work of the Radcliffe Chautauqua ought we not to get together at once, not twenty but forty of us and engage this company for suitable date in spring or fall of 1922? The treasurer of the local committee has a contract form. For the sake of real community uplift, for the sake of our developing and most promising young people and boys and girls, are you ready to be one of the forty? Many hands make light work.


The Board of Trade gambol and dancing carnival held at the new dance hall last Thursday was a great success in every way. More than 4,000 people attended the whist and dancing parties and over $1,000 was realized by the association.

Whist and bridge parties were the features of the afternoon and prizes were won as follows: Mrs. E. H. Bigelow of Ayer, Mass., first prize; Mrs. A. C. Gray of Providence, R. I., second prize and Mrs. C. R. Blake of Nashua, third prize.

The novelties during the evening were entertainments by noted vaudeville actors summering at the beach, moon dances, confetti battles and snow scenes. Local girls did fancy dancing.

Glade path, the road leading to St. Patrick’s church, has been made a one way street. This ruling is in effect only on Sunday mornings because of the heavy traffic to and from the Catholic church, entering at Glade Path and leaving by a new road joining onto Highland ave.

L. C. Ring, one of the heaviest losers in the recent fire, has completed a garage and it will be ready for business any time now. It is a fireproof building constructed of cement blocks and has a capacity of 125 cars besides a repair room, office and rest room.