Hampton News

The Banner Class will meet at the home of its president, Miss Isabelle Thompson, April 11, 1921.

All those in the Old Folks concert please remember the rehearsal at the Grange Hall, Monday evening, April 11.

Rev. Inor Partington is a welcome guest in town.

Mrs. Lucy Berry of Boston was a weekend guest of her niece, Miss Marian Lamprey.

The Congregational Missionary Auxiliary met in the chapel on Wednesday with a good number present. Mrs. Leavitt led the meeting after a memorial service for two deceased members: Mrs. Elizabeth Berry and Mrs. Hattie A Cuttler. The singing by Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Staples and Mrs. Scott was much enjoyed. A delicious supper was served by Mrs. Blanchard and Mrs. Jessie Towle. The fiftieth anniversary will be observed in June.

Mrs. Austin Weare is improving as well as can be expected. Her physician, Dr. Wheat, with his mother was at the beach on Wednesday.

Mrs. Ellen J. Blake, Mrs. Anna S. Ross and Mrs. Marian Leavitt are attending the Woman’s Relief Corps Convention in Concord this week.

What came near being a fatal accident occurred Thursday evening when the Misses Evelyn Shaw and Ruby Wyman were crossing the street in front of Mr. Toppan’s. Two automobiles were approaching in opposite directions and the girls stepped from the path of one in front of the other. They were knocked down but fortunately escaped with a broken wrist, bruises and nervous shock.

The Monday Club will hold a Colonial Tea in the Town Hall on Monday, April 18th, from 3 to 5 o’clock, which it is hoped will be well patronized. The members of the club and all guests are requested to wear Colonial costumes. There will be a continuous entertainment and tea served about 5 o’clock. Tables of delicious dainties will be presided over by the various committees, which will include salad, cake, ice cream and punch. The entertainment will be in charge of Mrs. Spackman, Mrs. Arthur Young and all supervised by Mrs. Emma Young. At the meeting held on Monday of this week Mrs. James Remick, president of the State Federation of Woman’s Clubs, spoke instructively on civic conditions and needs. Large delegations were present from Exeter and Hampton Falls. The hostesses were Mesdames Cole, Thompson, Shea, Perkins and Coffin, who served delicious refreshments. The music was furnished by Mesdames Spackman, Olney and Young and was much enjoyed.

The S. P. Class and Y. M. B. C.’s of the Methodist Sunday School held a meeting and social gathering at the home of Eugene Parker on Monday evening. A very pleasant time was enjoyed although the S. P. Class regretted that their teacher, Mrs. Thompson, was unable to be present. Mrs. Howe kindly acted as substitute. The S. P. Class will hold its next meeting on April 12th.

The Baptist Missionary Auxiliary was entertained on Wednesday in the home of Miss Annie Johnson with Miss Marian Garland as assistant hostess. A good number were present, an interesting meeting held and a delicious supper served by the hostess.

There seems to be quite a lot of sickness in town. Mrs. Fred Towle was quite ill last week, cared for by her sisters and Mrs. E. B. Towle. Mrs. Ella Moore had a very serious cold and Mr. Alonzo Blane had a very serious ill turn Thursday evening.

Mrs. Jessie Moore visited her niece, who is very ill, in Seabrook on Monday. The attendant nurse is Mrs. Theodore Lamprey and is giving excellent satisfaction.

Mr. Everett Godfrey’s eggs are surely holding up their splendid record for fertility as well as laying. Mr. Henry Hobbs purchased a setting of fifteen eggs and had a hatch of fifteen chicks.

Stillman Hobbs of Phillips Andover and John Perkins and Wheaten Lane of Phillips Exeter are enjoying a week’s vacation at their homes. Mr. Lane won the distinction of being named an honor man for high standing in his work in the term just passed. He has done splendid work during the almost completed three years of attendance in Phillips Exeter and might have had scholarships had he cared to accept them.

Master Lloyd Ring after two months’ treatment in the Pembroke Sanitarium has returned home quite recuperated. Mrs. Parker Blake spent the weekend in Boston and Norwood with her daughter Miss Augusta Blake.

Miss Helen Gilpatrick will entertain the Whatsoever Circle next Saturday afternoon.

The Friendly Class will hold a Food Sale at Cole’s Periodical Store on Friday afternoon from 3 to 5 o’clock. Bread, rolls, doughnuts and cake will be on sale.

Meeting of the school district at the town hall this evening.

Dr. Stait, a medical missionary from India, will speak at the Baptist church Sunday morning, April 17. In the evening at 7:00 o’clock he will give an illustrated lecture on his work.

The George Washington Club will give a musicale and dance at Governor Weare’s Hall in that town. The following talent will appear: Miss Louise Smith, pianist; Miss Alice Howe, vocalist; Miss Antoinette Francis, violinist; Miss Marjorie Peyear, solo dancer. Special car leaves Exeter at 7 for Smithtown, leaving there at 1.